Need Help with table datastore

A tiny optimisation: you can just specify the DataStore at the beginning of the script. :slight_smile:

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but this will only make all player data reset, because the first datastore key is changed.

Added! Wasn’t thinking much about it thanks :wink:

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Like me and @BawTheSeal say, we recommend saving all the data’s in one DataStore instead of just making separate ones just to save one data.

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It will not reset the data, what this does is put all the data in a table then save it to the datastore: “DataSave123”. When loading the data it loops through the table and sets the values.


--This table is the data being saved, when firing :GetAsync() it will get this same table.
local Data = { 
   ["money"] = 45
   ["wins"] = 3

After getting the table that was saved it loops through it and sets values.

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ok, now I want to try to test the script that you gave.

it works and also it solves my problem, thank you very much !!

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