I have a looping function that creates a table and inserts position values into it. the issue is that the values themselves more and more times each time the loop runs. I need the values not to duplicate because I will use table.sort later on. However, i do need the values to update themselves (the positions will be moving). how do I update the values after initally retrieving them without them cloning themselves?
the script:
while x == true do
for i, v in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Model") then
local human = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if human then
table.insert(pos_tracking, human.Position)
end end end
an example of the duplicating i’m referring to: (notice the numbers repeat again and again)
You have a while-loop that runs every second. Each time it adds a bunch of values based on your NPC and players in workspace. The list gets longer each second.
Probably you want to make a new list every time. You could just overwrite it with an empty list {} each time at the beginning of the loop.
Indeed, depending on if you want to conserve or refresh the reference to your original table, in this case you could use table.clear, instead of making a new empty table and overwriting your variable with it. I think table.clear might actually cost slightly more CPU, but it doesn’t matter for small tables.