Need Homestore builder

Hi there. I am [redacted] the founder of Aesthetic Wear Inc. We recently hit 59 members and I came to a realization that we need a homestore. Since I have multiple clothing designers I need someone one to build a homestore where I can store everything.

I am offering 500+ Robux up for the job

You can contact me by discord: KelbyJr#3745

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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I’m interested, I sent you a friend request on Discord. something#8917.

Hi! I do have a homestore available however it’s currently going for 1,000 robux. If you do want a newer style homestore than this, feel free to contact me at parrot;#4612! You can also DM me for my portfolio and etc.

Hello! I am interested in this! Please visit my portfolio.

I have contacted you on discord, RetrievingGold#0958

Hi! I currently have a homestore that I am selling, please let me know if interested! I can always make additions to this: Homestore for Sale - Roblox

If this isn’t the one you want, you can always DM me on Discord at zack.#4717 for a new build.

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