NEIL Staff Rules (& administrator rules)

:warning: UNDERGOING MAINTENANCE: 12/26/24


Due to the high number of incidents, we (NEIL Community) have decided to add new staff rules, along with accompanying regulations for those who have admin commands in NEIL.

Created & effective on 4/6/24 - Revised on 4/8/24 & 6/15/24

  • (1) No excessive admin abusing without my permission
    • This means stuff like admin trolling, and nuking the server is PROHIBITED
    • This also includes various abusive commands
      • “Braziling” people
      • dizzying / thermaling
      • flinging / loop flinging people
      • changing stat numbers
      • nuking / exploding
      • weather commands
        • tornados
        • lightning
        • wildfires
      • seizures
      • spinning
      • jailing
      • crashing
      • controlling people
      • dead lands
      • resizing
      • pixilating
    • includes other similar commands as stated above
  • (2) Disguising without my permission is PROHIBITED
    • To prevent framing/misrepresentation and disrespect, disguising without my permission is prohibited
  • (3) NEIL Staff shall not use incognito mode without my permission
    • It does not matter if you have a reasonable suspicion of someone or if you have a suspicion of people trash-talking about you
  • (4) Alternations with the power plant without my permission is PROHIBITED
    • This applies to EVERYONE
  • (5) Providing other people building tools without my permission is PROHIBITED
    • Safety reasons
  • (6) Changing the colors of other’s vehicles colors without their consent is PROHIBITED
    • Staff can change their own car colors for personal use
  • (7) Using dex or newdex without my consent is PROHIBITED
    • This includes commands such as the explorer
  • (8) Forcing people to do your own RPs is PROHIBITED
    • This includes forcing people who do not want to participate
  • (9) Staff shall not play background music without my permission
    • However, staff can play music locally (client-sided)
  • (10) Causing disruption/shit in public servers is PROHIBITED
    • Applies to everyone
    • Example: Joining into a peaceful server then causing drama and arguments
  • (11) Disrespecting other people is PROHIBITED
    • applies to everyone
    • includes arrogance
  • (12) Unreasonable bans / kicks in PROHIBITED
    • including banning / kicking people for no reason
  • (13) Inserting models without my permission is PROHIBITED
    • Security reasons
  • (14) Staff shall not give other people admin without my permission
    • Security & safety reasons

Rule Update #1 - 4/25/2024 9:15 PM CST - Revised on 6/14/24 11:24 PM CST

  • (15) Please restrain from using admin commands in chat by pressing the or "
    key, or by private chat (if you are in mobile).
    Addition: You can also press the F9 key to open the command bar.

Rule Update #2 [MAJOR] - 6/15/2024 1:09 AM CST

  • (16) No-clipping or bringing users into restricted areas is strictly prohibited without my permission
    • Areas include but not limited to the ISP station, the Joliet Power Plant, etc.
  • (17) Trolling people is strictly prohibited without my permission
    • This includes but not limited to freezing random users, jailing users, etc.
  • (18) Abusing Building Tools (btools) is strictly prohibited without my permission
    • This includes but not limited to moving, and spawning parts
  • (19) Running starter, server or client scripts is strictly prohibited without my permission
    • This includes inserting random scripts using :s, :ins, :starterscript , or :ls and load-strings
  • (20) [VERY MAJOR] Attempting to find backdoors or loopholes, as well as making unreasonable/false excuses to the accompanying rules is strictly prohibited
    • This includes but not limited to using the command box instead of the command bar to avoid certain rules
  • (21) Using :cm is strictly prohibited without my permission
    • This can cause potential harm by impersonating others
  • (22) Screening images and videos to other users is prohibited without my permission
    • This includes but not limited to :screenvideo and :screenimage
  • (23) Showing command logs to other users is prohibited without my permission
    • This includes but not limited to :showlogs
  • (24) Using :lowres or :pixel, :zawarudo, :testfilter and :piano is strictly prohibited without my permission
    • This is potential admin abuse and can cause lag
  • (25) Creating wildfires is strictly prohibited without my permission
    • This includes but not limited to :wildfire
  • (26) Attempting to convince others to refrain from reporting a staff member is strictly prohibited
    • Breaking this rule can lead a huge suspicion on you, and can potentially get you temporarily unranked
  • (27) Complaining about getting reported and spreading news about it is strictly prohibited
    • If you get reported, you are reported. There is no going back.
  • (28) Using or creating command aliases to create a loophole in the accompanying rules is strictly prohibited
    • This includes but not limited to using :rizz instead of :noclip
    • This also applies to EVERYONE
  • (29) Abusing :makeserver is strictly prohibited
    • This can cause server abuse and accidental overwriting
  • (30) Attempting to joke about the accompanying rules is strictly prohibited
    • Does it look like a joke? No

Not all rules can be stated so please use common sense!

Other Revisions

Revision #1 - 6/14/2024 5:32 PM CST
Fixed numbering errors


Rule #5, #8, #13, and #16 is excluded for ISP
Staff can mess around with admin in private servers or near empty servers
Staff can use :fling or :spin if their cars are stuck
All rules are excluded for people higher ranked than “Head Admin” which only includes me.

There will be less restrictions soon. (Probably not)

What happens if a staff member breaks a rule?

This will go as the order shows below

Penalty System

First violation: Warning + a discussion
Second violation: Second Warning + a discussion
Third violation: Final Warning + a discussion
Fourth violation: 1 day suspension + a discussion & lecture
Fifth violation: 1 week suspension + a discussion & lecture
Sixth violation: 2 month suspension + a discussion & lecture
Seventh violation: Permanent Un-ranking

Violations expire after 1 month.

Additions to the set of rules

Proposed rule additions must be approved by me.

Reporting Violations

Players can report staff violations using either the feedback system, the group wall, communications server, or commenting on my YT channel.

Screenshots and videos can help too.

Reporting in the communication server is recommended (13+). You can find this in the social links of NEIL.

IMPORTANT: Message to players

If you catch a staff member violating any of the accompanying rules above, just report it. If they try to convince you to refrain from reporting, don't listen to them. Reporting can better help me and gives sight to some issues that might be apparent in the future.


Original Rule Contributors

@xXjrnoob321Xx @Illinois_Roadbuff | Profile
@kourageouscole2017 | Profile
@AA7431 | Profile
@NeutralBlu | Profile
@TheRealfolavvvvv | Profile
@MelvinBuute07 | Profile

Rule Revision 2 Contributors

@RailTypes | Profile
@AA7431 | Profile
@kingmike0406 | Profile

Massive thanks to @RailTypes for stating major rule loopholes and other necessary changes!

:warning: Staff rules listed below (2.0) is not in effect. 2.0 is currently a work in progress.

[name to be decided]

Rule Version: 2.0

Status: Inactive

Important Definitions:
Personnel: Employed individuals (i.e. staff) and any person that is authorized with moderator or administratior permissions.


  1. Check for vocabulary or grammar issues
  2. Finish footnotes and check if properly formatted :white_check_mark:
  3. Add formal words especially used in law :white_check_mark:
  4. Reformat most rules set forth in 1.2 :white_check_mark:
  5. Improve the penalty/offense system :white_check_mark:
  6. Listen for feedback
  7. Add reading level with and without use of footnotes :white_check_mark:
  8. Decide on an introduction (currently two choices)
  9. Probably make a PDF version in proper formatting for fun?
  10. State ALL changes from 1.2 and 2.0
  11. Add formatting image :white_check_mark:

(Colors are chosen from the interstate shield)

Readablilty (without use of footnotes)

If you are under grade 12, you should be able to read it just fine using context clues and footnotes.



(introduction to be decided)

Welcome to [to be decided]. This accompanying² document will serve as the policies and guidelines for all persons who hold moderator or administrator permissions in Illinois_Roadbuff’s Development (IRBD), and for all staff members herein.

preamble¹: An introduction.
accompanying²: Provided or occurring at the same time.

(To Be Decided)

:x:instill²: To gradually, but strongly, introduce an idea or attitude.
:x:accompanying³: Provided or occurring at the same time.

(second choice)

We, the members of the State of Illinois (STIL) and the Illinois_Roadbuff’s Development (IRBD) community, in response to the increase of incidents, have agreed to instill² new staff rules, along with accompanying³ regulations for those who have administration permissions in IRBD.

Article I: General Rules of Conduct1

Section 1: Prohibition2 of Administration Abuse

No personnel shall abuse administration capabilities3 or use commands in a disruptive or harmful manner without @Illinois_Roadbuff’s consent4. Specific prohibited5 actions include but are not limited to:

  • Braziling, dizzying, thermaling
  • Flinging, resizing, spinning
  • Weather commands such as tornadoes, lightning, or wildfires
  • Seizures, jailing, or control of others
  • Changing stat numbers
  • Nuking, exploding, trolling
  • All forms of crashing which include but are not limited to:
    • RAM, GPU, hardcrash
  • Dead lands, Disco
  • Pixilating, testing filters, resolution changes, use of :zawarudo
  • Disguising as other players or individuals; impersonation
  • Unreasonable bans or kicks
  • Misuse of Building Tools, changing colors of other’s vehicles without consent

Section 2: Usage of Incognito6 Mode

Personnel shall not use incognito6 mode without explicit consent4 from @Illinois_Roadbuff, regardless of suspicion of other individuals7 per se8 (i.e.9, simply for monitoring other players or gathering private information)

  • Any personnel found to be using this accompanying10 mode without prior11 consent4 will result in a review of the context corroborating12 the usage, followed by other necessary actions set forth in Article III, §§ 1-3.

Section 3: Provision13 of Capabilities3

Providing capabilities3 to other individuals7 is strictly proscribed25 without @Illinois_Roadbuff’s consent4.

  • Limitations to private servers:
    • Ranking others (Mod, admin, etc.)
    • Showing command logs
  • Limitations to public servers:
    • All limitations to private servers
    • Providing Building Tools
    • Providing weapons
    • Providing other tools
  • Illinois State Police (role-play)14 is excluded15 from being limited to providing Building Tools, weapons, and other tools.

Section 4: Prohibition2 of Command Usage

These commands listed below are strictly forbidden without @Illinois_Roadbuff’s consent.

  • Explorer commands:
    • Includes but not limited to dex/newdex & the admin explorer.
  • Screening images and videos
  • Making servers via16 admin
  • Usage of :cm

Section 5: Insertion17 of Instances18

Insertion17 methods are strictly prohibited5 without @Illinois_Roadbuff’s consent4. These include but not limited to:

  • Inserting /or running scripts and loadstrings
  • Inserting models
    Illinois State Police (role-play)14 is set aside from being limited to inserting models.

Section 6: Disruption

Personnel shall not cause behavior issues or disruption.

  • Includes playing background music on public servers
    • Local client-sided music is allowed
  • Disrespect
    • Includes arrogance19
  • Forced role-play participation20
  • Disruption in public servers
    • Includes starting arguments
  • Illinois State Police (role-play)14 is excluded15 from being limited to forced role-play participation20.

Section 7: Restricted21 Areas

Personnel shall not bring users into restricted areas.

  • Includes the Illinois State Police (role-play)14 station, the generating station, etc22
  • Personnel are allowed to bring themselves to places except the Illinois State Police (role-play)14 station or other personal places

Personnel are also restricted21 from interacting23 with the power plant or other important infrastructures24 in public servers without prior11 consent4 from @Illinois_Roadbuff.

conduct1: In which a person behaviors or performs.
prohibition2: Forbidding/not allowing something, especially by law.
incognito6: Not identifiable.
per se8: By itself.
id est9: “That is” or “in other words.”
corroborating12: To confirm.
provision13: Action of providing/supplying.
14 Illinois State Police (role-play): Role-play group in Roblox.
insertion17: Action of inserting/adding.
instances18: Base class for all classes in Roblox which is part of a game (DataModel).
arrogance19: To be too proud and look down on others.
et cetera22: Other similar things.
proscribed25: Forbidden especially by law.

Other footnotes

capabilities3: Power/ability to do something.
consent4: Permission or agreement to do something.
prohibited5: Something that is banned or forbidden.
individuals7: Human beings.
accompanying10: To be provided at the same time.
prior11: Existing or before in time.
excluded15: Not included/keep out.
participation20: Taking part in something.
restricted21: No access.
interacting23: Act in a way.
infrastructures24: Structures and facilities (buildings, roads, etc22…).

Article II: Means of Avoidance

Section 1: Command Aliases1.

Staff members are prohibited2 from creating command aliases1 to avoid the accompanying3 guidelines.

  • Staff members who are caught creating alternative commands may face additional penalties than what is stated in Article III, §§ 1-3

Section 2: Convincing Others

Convincing/persuading and manipulating others to refrain4 from reporting rule violations is strictly prohibited2.

  • Any staff member caught complaining of being reported, making unreasonable/false excuses, or spreading news will face additional penalties.

Section 3: Backdoors5 and Loopholes6

Attempting to find backdoors5 or loopholes6 in the accompanying3 rules is strictly prohibited2 and will face additional penalties.

  • Includes but are not limited to using the command box instead of the command bar to avoid certain rules.

aliases1: False command name.
prohibited2: Something that is banned or forbidden.
accompanying3: To be provided at the same time.
refrain4: To avoid or stop one’s self.
backdoors5: Secret means.
loopholes6: Means of avoidance.

Article III: Violations

Section 1: Severity Levels

Accompanying1 violations are categorized into three levels based on the severity of the offense.

  • Minor Violations
    • (e.g.2, mild disruption, accidental misuse)
  • Moderate Violations
    • (e.g.2, repeated trolling, repeating minor violations)
  • Severe Violations
    • (e.g.2, exploiting loopholes3, running loadstrings)

Section 2: Penalty Progression

The penalty progression will go as stated below:

  • For Minor Violations
    • 1st Offense: Warning
    • 2nd Offense: Second Warning + 3 days of suspension
    • 3rd Offense: Final Warning + 2 weeks of suspension
    • 4th Offense: 2 months of suspension
    • 5th Offense: Possible unranking or decided by @Illinois_Roadbuff
  • Moderate Violations
  • Severe Violations

Section 3: Expiration

Violations do not expire after the penalty period has been served.

To clear a violation, the staff member must have good behavior for a specified amount of time.

  • Minor Violations: 2 months of good behavior or decided if the member has multiple violations
  • Moderate Violations: May be decided by @Illinois_Roadbuff
  • Severe Violations: Will be decided by @Illinois_Roadbuff

Section 4: Overrides

accompanying1: To be provided at the same time.
exempli gratia2: Provide an example; “For example.”
loopholes3: Means of avoidance.

Article IV: Additions or Removals

Section 1: Proposed Revisions

Accompanying1 changes ought to2 be approved by @Illinois_Roadbuff before implementation.

accompanying1: To be provided at the same time.
ought to2: Should; must.

Article V: Eventual Statements1

Section 1: Exclusion of Regulations

All terms are set aside2 for individuals ranked higher than “Head Admin” which is solely3 @Illinois_Roadbuff. These guidelines set forth4 in this document are subject to revise on any occasion5 without prior notice.

Section 2: Maturity and Good Sense

Since it’s not possible to explicitly outline every regulation, personnel are expected to use good sense and act maturely.

  • An instance that @Illinois_Roadbuff finds to perceive6 as common sense. (i.e. if it’s a guideline 95% of all other communities have, it’s common sense. If there are any difficulties regarding the term, personnel are advised to search up standards of human interaction manners.)

Section 3: Making Light

Making light (i.e. joking) about these accompanying7 regulations is strictly proscribed8.

1 Eventual Statments: Simply “Final Notes.”
set aside2: To exclude or not include.
solely3: Only involving one person.
set forth4: To state.
5 on any occasion: At any time.
perceive6: To find or realize.
accompanying7: To be provided at the same time.
proscribed8: Prohibit, especially by law.