NeoHotbar | A modern, customizable hotbar

What if I want to hide a tool without an handle? [Mainly for filming purposes, I don’t want people to find out about the tool gun]

I thought it used the wrong word because this isn’t Minecraft, this is roblox, and “Hotbar” is only really used in Minecraft as far as I know

If you need to film something while using this resource, enter this in the developer console (F9Server tab):


“All roads lead to Rome.”

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I’d go to Bucharest

Sometimes I use the iPad which is better at filming than my laptop and it’s more difficult to open the developer console, I know I can type /console in the chat but I don’t usually use the chat, I can open the menu and go to settings and open the console which seems complicated to me

Then add a button in your game that appears solely for your user ID, there’s always a solution :man_shrugging:

Either way, this use case is not really relevant to the resource. Resources don’t have - and shouldn’t try to have - a solution for every problem imaginable.


I have a ton of alt accounts [I have more than you think, I haven’t counted how many accounts I made, I haven’t even got terminated in any account yet] which is why I’d use group ranks like this

player:GetRankInGroup(game.CreatorId) > 1

(the highlighted parts are ranks that indicate me, and I throw my alts there)


Can also agree, but for filming purposes I need to hide tools so no one can find out about the admin tools

This is a really good resource — but is there a way to programmatically change the “Tool Index”? By “Tool Index”, I mean the position of a tool in the hot bar. Also adding a simple “backpack” system could be nice, since the default Roblox one sucks

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Hi again,
Does this have tool stacking available? Like 3 grenades stack in slot 1 and a little 3 is above or in slot 3… to show the stacked qty

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I am struggling making my own hotbar, Can you tell me how do you properly take into account different resoloutions on the hotbar GUI

This hotbar uses the same methods Roblox uses, which is an Offset and AutomaticSize-based approach. This makes it look very proportionally different on say a phone V.S. a 4K monitor, but ultimately more accessible.

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Was looking into using this and tried out the demo, seems to be breakable?

My bad, that issue was fixed a while ago. I just forgot to update the demo place with the fix.

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Ah, alrighty! Is there any plans to open the backpack to store tools?

Are you planning on any updates ?


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You mean an inventory like in the vanilla Roblox backpack UI? No, not really. NeoHotbar is designed to improve the core hotbar experience and be otherwise unobtrusive.

I’d recommend reducing the amount of tools the player has to worry about. Mobile users especially will appreciate the lack of clutter. You could also make an external inventory menu and integrate it with a NeoHotbar CustomButton. :+1:

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Sorry, stacked tools isn’t planned. You should consider integrating quantities directly into the tools themselves.

If there’s demand for it, I could update NeoHotbar to detect and show ToolTip changes when they happen. For things like “2 left” when you use up one of your grenades for example.

There is high demand!
That would be cool, if it had a little box that showed quantity by the tool slot…

You can try modify the backpack, since Roblox’s backpack system doesn’t have that mechanic.

v1.1.1 :sparkles:

  • Redisplays ToolTip when changed (very useful for ammo, quantities, etc!)
  • Updated UI to better match new Roblox CoreGuis

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You could also add a cooldown thing where the hotbar button moves down a transparent white frame.

Good suggestion, but I’m more focused on enhancing the core hotbar functionality than building out specific use-cases.