Network owner of being set to server after player moves out of range despite network ownership explicitly being set to player

I have an item dragging system that relies on a local client having network ownership of a part. I do this by calling :SetNetworkOwner(player) on each item after it is grabbed. However, the moment the player moves out of range of the items (the circular region shown around the player), the items’ network ownership gets set back to the server, causing items to fall through the client generated terrain, due to the terrain not existing on the server.

Here is a video showing this effect in action

robloxapp-20240128-1424365.wmv (3.7 MB)

The lemon union’s network owner is explicitly set to the player using :SetNetworkOwner(player) after grabbing it. Are there any reasons a part’s network owner may switch to the server after setting it?

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Added a youtube embed for the sake of easily viewing the video

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Found the issue. The following post explains why in case anyone else wants to know.

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