New Animation Runtime Rollout - Upcoming Property Removal

The community has made it clear.

We desire the option to keep the old animation blending method if we so choose, return the optional property and allow developers to decide whether or not to use the old system.

You can keep legacy support disabled by default, just as long as it’s an option at all.


not just that, but it bends the player’s neck when they are using the default walking animation only if humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then is used, you can commonly find them on @IamRoBuilder 's videos made after the update

I seem to be in the minority of people who actually prefer this update over the old runtime. I no longer have to mess with fading or anything of that nature for overlapping tracks to look good and fixing weird looking overlaps was pretty easy given that the animation priority property now replicates. I am however happy to see that the update can be disabled with a property if necessary and I hope that this is the norm for future engine updates (especially ones as impactful as this one).

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What are the people making these updates thinking? They role out terrible updates again and again and never listen. Who wanted this? What does this fix? Just keep it optional.


If it were going to be such that animation overlapping is to be done with priorities then making it an integer implementation was the most user-friendly approach, and they didn’t even do that.

Making it toggled by default made any game that has animations running on the same priority not display the animations the way the developers intended. So long as they don’t remove the functionality entirely, even if we have to do a weird attribute workaround, I’m fine w it, because old projects can function as expected after a single patch

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haha workspace:SetAttribute(“RbxLegacyAnimationBlending”, true) go brrrrrr


What exactly does this update do in the first place? It seems like they just removed animation priorities and made them into weights instead. This is a real issue since Motor6D.C0 is now treated like an animation.


I would be completely fine with this update if it weren’t for the fact that there are only 3 more priority enums. This completely destroys many games that rely on the “priority stacking” functionality, which could have been remedied if there were simply an unlimited amount of priorities, or if another option was added to negate certain animations from being affected by animation blending.


I generally don’t understand why this update was even necessary in the first place it all ended up breaking almost everyone’s animations.


Thanks for removing this property, now my animations look broken!


Great job guys! Now I have to rework all of my animations so that they aren’t blended and broken! Thanks a lot.

For gods sake, how do you keep reaching new levels of screwing over people over and over again?


Yet again, Roblox decides to make one of the worst decisions to be known. Great job Roblox, you never fail to impress me with your terrible decisions.


Notice how this “”“fix”"" makes the pipe go from looking like it’s actually hitting the wall to doinking an area to the right of it.

roblox you consistently disappoint


For anyone experiencing “buggy” animation blending from changing a limb Motor6D C0 or C1 component as a result from this update, simply clone the target Motor6D and rename it, should function as desired.

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This update going to break FPS games. Are you serious?

put this in the announcement next time whenever there’s a breaking change.

Including it from the start would have stopped a lot of complaints and broken games

I have nothing against you guys personally but in a professional space you need to show respect towards our time and work


Keep AnimationWeightedBlendFix I have a life I can’t just waste days fixing this mess, first the audios, now this seriously! I’m losing my temper


Great, now my animations in my games will probably look terrible and look like crap. Is there even a good reason to force AnimationWeightBlendFix to be enabled? Obviously not, you guys never listen to the community.

Me too, they know that the community hates those kinds of updates but still makes crap like this. They never listen.

You forgot to list another feature, it breaks all animations and creates game breaking bugs because of that.

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