New API For Equipping Assets on Humanoid Player Avatars

I’m getting an error that you cannot use HumanoidDescriptions if you have changed the Animate script or the StarterPlayer… by StarterPlayer does this mean StarterCharacter?

Yes. This issue will be fixed shortly, and there will be a post here as soon as it’s ready

Kinda wish you posted this somewhere where everyone could see tbh. I didn’t even get a notification about this despite being so involved with this thread.

Kinda wish the other post about it being turned back off was put somewhere where I could get a notification as well…

Including your last post… :sob: @TheGuyWithAShortName isn’t the only one looking forward to this feature.

Is anyone else having issues with characters’ heads falling off (i.e. the Part0 of the Neck joint being sent to nil)?

It’s kind of hilarious, but I’m not sure if this is my end, or due to HumanoidDescription bugs. HumanoidDescriptions are immediately changed whenever a character spawns.

The character also doesn’t die when this happens, even though setting the Part0 of a Neck joint to nil manually would normally kill the character.

I’m also getting this bug sometimes where the head gets lowered for some reason

should look like this:

I managed to cheap a fix here: (Tutorial) Using custom assets in the HumanoidDescription!

We have a fix for the head getting lowered. That should be released soon


Fixes have been implemented, and you will now be able to call Humanoid:ApplyDescription() on an NPC without having to wait for a character to spawn. You can also now call Humanoid:ApplyDescription() on a StarterCharacter. The 'Best Practices / Caveats` section of the documentation will shortly be updated to reflect this.


Applying a package through this system locks the body part with the package enabled?

I just run the call a second time and it fixes the head problem.

Doesn’t seem to be enough.

I wonder if this bug has to do with Network ownership of the Head (I am changing the asset for every body part except for the head when using ApplyDescription

I’m still getting the “head falling off” bug for humanoid descriptions that are applied server-side when a player spawns.

One thing I’ve noticed is that this bug also replicates inconsistently—testing with another person, his head fell off on my client, but was normal on his. I wasn’t able to tell whether the head fell of on the server, but I’d imagine it didn’t since his character was still alive.

What this means is that the head falling off issue is very likely one of replication.

do you have a place file which can be used to repro the issue?

Can this be achieved with NPC’s? Tried setting the HatAccessory to say 204162039 and nothing happened

Did you call Humanoid:ApplyDescription(HumanoidDescription)?

Nah I just got a hats id from the site and pasted it into Humanoid Description. Tried cutting pasting the model back in but did nothing.

You gotta call ApplyDescription with a reference to the HumanoidDescription as the parameter anytime you want to apply a change.

So you cant just manually do it?

It doesn’t do it automatically no.
You simply set HumanoidDescription.HatAccessory or the parameter for it. to the ID you want. And then call Humanoid:ApplyDescription(HumanoidDescription) where HumanoidDescription is the reference to the one you modified. Each time you want it to update. It doesn’t work like the scale objects.

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That just added color to the NPC.

As you can, it has Hat and Face accessories, you can see in the output I put the ApplyDescription. No accessories were added tho


A lot of fixes have gone in recently for the HumanoidDescription system. You can give what you’re doing another try, and see if it works any better now. Hopefully now you can get the results you want without calling humanoid:ApplyDescription() twice.

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