New coregui spams UnbindFromRenderStep warnings in log

When interacting with the new Coregui it spams the logs with warnings saying it tried to unbind a function but there were multiple with the same name. This has happened to me when opening the menu, dying, and leaving playtests.

Example of a warning:
RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions with same reference name utility-focus-state-inspect-[USERNAME] 2 times.

System information:

  • Windows 10 x64
  • Intel Core i5-6500
  • AMD Radeon RX6400

Please fix. This warning is the top one in my game’s error log with 500+ CCU.

Hi! Happy to report that a fix for this bug has already been written, and should be live in the coming weeks. (I actually wrote the fix in response to a completely different bug, but it should knock this one out too!)

Thanks for reporting!


Hey! By any chance, has this fix gone live along with the one below?

Edit: Never mind, the issue is still happening. A fix in the near future would be nice.

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The fix I was referring to yesterday is a separate one— this one is yet to come


This is still happening. 4 million times in the last 24 hours…


Indeed. Can we get a fix prioritised @QuirkySquid? This is literally filling up my error logs and it’s been a month now.

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Fix is rolling out now! Should be up within the next hour.


Just wanted to thank you for this… to say it was affecting my error logs is an understatement. :sweat_smile:


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