New Humanoid Physics Controller - Beta

This sounds like an amazing update!

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Will we be able to use the old physics engine like a enable or disable button?

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I might be misinterpreting here, but from what staff are saying, this update shouldn’t change anything with the actual physics. If you do find anything that wasn’t replicated in the new engine, then it should be relatively easy to add those features back yourself.

But yes, this feature will eventually become mandated for all experiences in the future (perhaps months or even a year)

I forgot to ask, how would you enable/disable specific controllers? This was not explained in depth.

We should get a option to disable the physics engine for like games that replicate classic Roblox. It would ruin classic games that simulate roblox’s old engine

Or maybe a way to change the settings where we can disable certain features we don’t like. I like these features though to be honest.

Ok my point is that changing the physics engine will cause a bunch of bugs. Like some people like these bugs and they been around since for ever

So instead of using scripts to customize the physics we could enable and disable some settings. Idk if I reading that wrong.

The new character controller is a better improvement to the current one. It would be better if it was not so easy to have the characters glitch with anything using A-Chassis. Right now with the controller I am having problem where the characters would glitch though solid parts or fling it.

You can’t jump off of platforms easily anymore, you just fall down. This also makes jumps like head-hitters either physically impossible or frame perfect.
Old behavior:

new behavior:


Why not add these changes to the old controller though?

This is huge. Can’t wait for it to roll out and games to take advantage of it!


What exactly is PhysicsCharacterController? Is it another class or a custom made module?

PhysicsCharacterController is a module made by dthecoolest. It gives characters physics-based movement with momentum, similar to this, but lacks climbing, swimming, Humanoid:MoveTo() (the player doesn’t walk anywhere because this module makes them PlatformStand) and (I assume) momentum transferring when jumping on moving objects.


There is a lot that I really, really like about this and a lot it does WAY better than the original system. My mind was absolutely blown when I realized the character can now exert friction and forces onto parts THEY ARE WALKING ON. I have some push-able crates with a super tiny density in my game and I was shocked when walking on them could nudge them. I also love that this system has eliminated the tiny bounces that can happen when humanoids fall from great heights, which were huge annoyances for my jump-state bounce pads.

However, as many have stated here, there are a lot of glaring issues. Non-standard stairs completely ragdoll the player, airtime velocities are applied that cannot be toggled off or modified, physics when standing on non-linear moving unanchored parts can be unreliable, and of course, the wall stick (jumping against literally any wall.)

I am really looking forward to the future of this system, and I hope that these problems are ironed out. Using it in my own platformer, almost everything was fully playable! It’s just those teeny tiny issues that ruin it for me.


When you bump into objects, your character will rotate. This issue occurs with the old humanoid controller as well.

It would be great if we could easily lock the rotation of the character so it can only spin around the Y axis.

A way to override the turning behavior would also be great. Humanoids only turn while the player is holding a movement direction. I want to be able to do things like complete the turn in the last direction they went even if they let go of the keys.

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You should be able to solve the first issue by toggling RigidityEnabled on the GroundControllers.

For your second point, this will be possible and we’ll have a separate announcement soon.



also for AccelerationTime, i at first thought there’s no way to make smooth movement with it but realized they were for air controlling manager although i love it but it’s still buggy for R6 when there is ControllerManager added.

HipHeight with ControllerManager

HipHeight is now dismatched compared to non-physics movement if i added it for my game which my leg seems to collide through the ground although the fix is to set Humanoid in StarterPlayer to 2.

No Physics Controller


HipHeight is also now defined on the GroundControllers as a GroundOffset property.
We currently don’t sync between the Humanoid.HipHeight and the GroundOffset on GroundControllers, but will be looking into how to make it simpler.

Right now, if you set up with only a StarterHumanoid and ControllerManager as shown in the original post, then the GroundOffset should be set correctly for your avatar size. In any other case you’ll need to set it on the GroundControllers directly.

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