New In-Experience Text Chat System Public Release!

How do we detect if the user is typing in the chat bar? I see no dedicated events for this, and TextBoxFocused/Released does not fire for this chat bar.

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@be_nj just following up… this would be very useful. It is currently impossible for me to adapt this new chat in my game due to this limitation. Knowing whether players are typing or not is a critical part of my roleplay game.

Apologies if this has already been brought up, but I’m currently experiencing a major issue in a game that I’m working on at present.

Using the new TextChatService, after a certain number of messages have been sent (500 I think?) the chat will no longer register any new messages into its log, and the log never gets cleaned of old messages. I have a suspicion that there’s a limit on how many messages can go in, but because it never gets cleaned out it just drops the new messages instead.

Unfortunately I am not sure how to go about fixing this, and reverting to the old Chat system is no longer an opportunity as the game’s command system is deeply integrated with TextChatService. It’d require significant alteration that I’d rather not do. On top of that, I’m a massive fan of TextChatService and going back would be a massive shame.

A fix for this issue is rolling out very soon!


Is there a way where you can resize or re-position the text chat window?


This should be fixed now, please let us know if you are still running into this issue!


I’ve been running into an issue where disabling and then re-renabling the chat through the StarterGui results in the scrolling frame window position being reset to 0, 0. So instead of showing the newest messages in the chat, it’s showing the oldest and users have to scroll all the way down.

Is this an already known issue with a fix coming soon or something that’ll have to be investigated?

User input bug should be fixed now, please let us know if you run into this issue again!

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This is being worked on right now!


uhm, it is a bit glitched but it’s still good!


Do you have steps to reproduce available? I was able to reproduce this by copying and pasting text with new lines in it. Is that what you had to do?

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Well, i sent a message using TextChannel:SendAsync(). And the weird thing is that, if you say Hello\n\Good Morning in the chat, well, it will just send Hello\n\Good Morning.
But now, if you say Hello\n\Good Morning using TextChannel:SendAsync(), then it will send

Good Morning

So basically, for this glitch, i sent .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is a funny glitch using TextChannel:SendAsync()

I don’t know why this glitch only works with the new TextChannel:SendAsync() and not the legacy version, but it’s still a fun glitch to reproduce

Also, sorry if i’m bad at explaining stuff but it’s because I’m not really good at talking in english

Have a great day!

I noticed new properties in ChatWindowConfiguration and ChatInputBarConfiguration. AbsoluteSize, and AbsolutePosition, which are both read only properties and don’t change values from (0, 0). Will these properties be editable in the future, and what is their use?

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@SubtleShuttle @be_nj Following up once more

Please fire the UserInputService.TextboxFocused/TextboxFocusedReleased events for the chat input textbox (or provide an alternative event under TextChatService) so that we can detect when the user is chatting. This is critical. Thank you.


I’m unsure if this has been brought up, but I’ve noticed that TextChatService has a noticeable delay after pressing slash (/) to select the chat text box (in order to begin typing). This becomes a problem when trying to type characters right after pressing slash. I can confirm there is no such delay on the old legacy chat, and it will select the text box as soon as slash is pressed. There is no delay if you click on the chat text box with TextChatService, however - it’s only an issue with the hotkey.

On another note, it looks like the fix to the duplicate chat bubbles when toggling BubbleChatEnabled isn’t working fully. After toggling it twice with messages in between each toggle, the bubble chat started to only allow one bubble visible/active at a time, rather than the MaxBubbles override I supplied through ChatService:SetBubbleChatSettings. It might not be related to my custom override though, as it isn’t default behavior to have only one bubble visible at a time.

Thanks for all the work over time to improve TextChatService, and I hope this issues can be resolved soon!


Will toggling the chat bar be added to TextChatService by utilizing game.StarterGui:GetCore("ChatBarDisabled")?

I see no reason the new chat couldn’t have compatibility with this setting. If there are reasons against it I’d love to know what they are.

Any way custom colour / font and stuff can be done with this? I tried researching and can’t find anything

Any news on being able to re-position/re-size the UI?

As of September 8, there are AbsoluteSize, and AbsolutePosition properties in the chatwindowconfiguration, and the chatinputbarconfiguration. However these properties are read only and always read (0, 0) no matter what


I’ve noticed a bug(?) where I can’t emote at all with this new text chat system. I use /e and /emote commands to do default emotes (Wave, Cheer, Laugh, Dance1-3, Etc) and It always said “You can’t use Emotes here”. I switch to the legacy system and I can use these emotes just fine.