New In-Experience Text Chat System Public Release!

Seems like the Chat GUI doesnt seem to be in explorer for some reason? (Play Test) Is that supposed to be like that?

Also is there gonna be a resizeable & moveable window option? @be_nj

We have an announcement coming soon, but there are properties on ChatWindowConfiguration that should allow you to do this now as a developer.

We dont expose any controls to the user to do this at this time.

Properties to make the Chat GUI replicate? I’m a bit confused of the context to what you meant

Any way to remove the default team joined message yet? Checked everywhere.

How are you supposed to create chat channels? I’ve seen no documentation on this.

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I mean, it’s not bad i guess? The only problem is that the key to open the chat is now “;” instead of “/”

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Is there a way to change TextStrokeColor for bubble chats?

Late but you would have to hook into textChatService.OnIncomingMessage and return a TextChatMessageProperties object with a modified PrefixText.

I noticed an error that spams on the server when moving a Team instance inside of a folder (That folder being under game>Teams)


Still having this issue on the server.

local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")

This works on the client but on the server nothing fires. I hope that’s not the intended behavior!

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@bewarethepaws The topic is good, but I feel the topic is old, because this topic has existed since 2022 Jun. This means that this topic has existed for months, but I feel that it has existed for years. Is it normal to respond to an old topic even if it has existed for years?

Hi, this is the intended behavior. Can you tell us what your use case for this is?
If it’s for commands, we suggest you take a look at TextChatCommand | Roblox Creator Documentation

Hi, can you tell us if this is still occurring, and if it is, provide more details (i.e. place file, TextChatService.ChatVersion value, etc)

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Hi, yes, still getting this. Chat version is confirmed set as “TextChatService”

Here’s a repro:
TextChatServiceError.rbxl (46.6 KB)
Walk between the two pads twice to have the error appear.

As well as a link to the place I first noticed it:


For analyzing the messages sent.
For instance: A system where if a player talks it awards them points. Player.Chatted works but does not include all the pros of a TextChatMessage (more information) since it only sends a string and a deprecated variable.

Having MessageReceived or any event that listens to a new message in any channel on the server would reassure me. I would feel like my code is more future-proof and works 1 in 1 with the new TextChatService. Furthermore, I would be able to analyze much more data like in which channel it was sent to and when they sent it (with the timestamp).

With .Chatted, there’s no way to know if a player whispered to anyone because the variable is deprecated, this data was sort of accessible with the old chat system when connecting to a module inside ServerScriptService, but with TextChatService this is no longer possible. I would be incredibly happy to hear a positive response to this and see a new event directly made for the server.

Thanks for the reply and have a great day.


I wish there was a way to cancel / hide a message from showing so we could make distance based chat.

Edit I just found TextChannel:ShouldDeliverCallback. I think this post should be merged with the other post to make it easier to see the new chat features in one place.


Hi! Amazing new feature and I really like tinkering around with it; however, I have noticed that there isn’t any function listed in the documentation that adds a speaker or creates a message in chat, like StarterGui:SetCore(“ChatMakeSystemMessage”) and ChatService:AddSpeaker(). Am I reading it wrong, maybe not looking in the right places, or does it just not exist yet?
The game I’m working about really relies on messages in chat, e.g. ‘ej0w has died! 9 players left.’ and was wondering whether I’d need to restructure how my game works. Thanks!

The new chat system utilizes a few various methods under the TextChannel instance to do this. To send system messages, you can use the DisplaySystemMessage method. If you want to add a user to a specific chat channel, then you can use AddUserAsync.

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Thank you!!! This is extremely helpful.

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