New Keybinds for Keyboard Navigation

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Will this be toggleable?

I currently use backslash as my push to talk key so it will be incredibly annoying while using roblox.
Additionally on British keyboards the backslash is quite close to other commonly used keys in the bottom left so it could be mis pressed often



As the engine evolves, we need a way to either override or change the binding of some Roblox context actions (obviously not all of them like the Esc button), but it will allow us to ergonomically design controls, even if it requires moving a few Roblox keybinds around.

This also means the Controls section of the Escape Menu can be dynamically updated if Roblox controls are moved by the developer.



As mentioned in the post, this can be disabled in a number of ways - by binding an action at a higher priority and sinking input, or setting AutoSelectGuiEnabled to False.


As in can the client disable it via roblox settings not the developer. (Apologies if I didn’t make myself clear)


Having a set of default and expected inputs for users is important for a consistent and good user experience across all of Roblox, so this is likely something we won’t allow developers to do and have it reflected in the player controls menu. You are welcome to override or update the behavior of certain actions like these (as shown in the code snippet, this isn’t a core action, its a plain ol’ action), and you can rebind or rewrite it as you please. But consider users experiences when doing so.


Ah gotcha. We don’t have any plans to allow users to disable any Roblox player controls.

for the love of god please make this toggleable or make a popout similar to the one that you get when switching CameraToggle camera control mode or whatever its called


i have been switching keyboard navigation numerous times by now without wanting to do so while thinking that this was some sort of issue on my side


There is an issue regarding this UI element:
This UI element will be placed under any in experience UI if there is some.
Here is a video of it happening in my game:

I like the keyboard navigation. It will make things easier as I planned on creating a similar system for an upcoming game.
It also helps when testing UI navigation for console.


Great feedback! This is something we’ve been discussing with the gamepad team. We will consider ways to better distinguish what state a user is in.


How do I press backslash in games that expect me to press backslash?


Oh my god, the day I can finally use arrow keys in scrolling frames. Thank you for this update Roblox, it’ll also be easier to implement game pad support.


Although these changes offer improvements to the user experience, they unfortunately interfere with pre-existing keybinds throughout various Roblox experiences. For example, one of my experiences employs the well-known Kohl’s Admin command module. This module requires the backslash keybind to enable a textbox for inputting admin commands.

Unfortunately, as a result of this update, this feature no longer works and has been overwritten by the keybind’s new functionality. As @metatablecatmaid stated, “As the engine evolves, we need a way to either override or change the binding of some Roblox context actions.”

I believe this update serves as further proof of this necessary change. If developers cannot override Roblox context actions, users should, at the very least, be able to change their keybinds for different actions.


Not sure I agree with this key being the default keybind. Why isn’t it a function key, like F8? Many developers use the backslash key in their experiences already for things like opening custom debugging UI.


Is this functionality a thing for other forced inputs/keybinds? (Escape key and Xbox menu button for opening the Roblox menu, zooming in/out with ‘i’ and ‘o’, etc.) Where is the line drawn for what I can and can’t toggle regarding Roblox’s forced keybinds?

I think this is great, the feature coming to computer and having it be optional. I did want to ask those questions though. What’s on the table, what’s not? Each case would most likely have to be a feature request in of itself with different solutions worked on to problems I have faced regarding keybinds by Roblox, but I wanted to ask nonetheless.

What about the user experience across Roblox games themselves? What if I made a pause menu for example, using the industry standard keybind, the escape button. Now, I understand Roblox’s use-case as they house everything players need, but what if I was able to make my own menu with all that Roblox has and more?

If I could make a pause menu that has everything Roblox has, then there would be no need for Roblox’s menu. Leave button, graphical quality, reporting system, help screen with controls for my game, etc.

I can dream, but the reason why I can’t do this, I believe, is because Roblox doesn’t trust everyone enough to allow developers to use that kind of ‘power’, responsibility, and work.


Pressing a function key often means pressing multiple keys at once - which is inherently more challenging for individuals with motor impairments, for whom keyboard navigation is an important feature.


Ah, so that’s why it kept acting like I had a controller plugged in.


Such an exciting change!

BTW this link is broken, it’s ClickDetector | Roblox Creator Documentation (not plural) :smiley:

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fixed :slight_smile:


I think a better suggestion is a way to change the keyboard shortcuts as an end user. Most, if not all PC games have this feature, and many console games allow it too.