It would be good if context could also be incorporated more into autotranslations. For example, ‘Free Skin’ translates to something like ‘Bare Skin’ in other languages, like German, which obviously wouldn’t be the best translation in the context of Roblox.
THANKS alot for the announcement, I just realized that I can also test the PaidRandomItems & External Link restrictions, without needing a hacky test code that only runs in studio
You are amazing
I don’t think this is gonna be very useful for my development cycle.
I would’ve preferred if you fixed some important bugs instead. There are a lot that have been there for years.
It’s somewhat amusing seeing stuff like this in 2024 despite clear indications that they’ve either abandoned Roblox in China entirely or are completely rethinking their approach to the platform (with them shutting the platform after the initial test session and then reportedly terminating all Luobu accounts.)
But to the announcement itself I suppose that some developers would find certain parts of this player emulation feature useful for making sure that they’re experiences are up to expected standards of the dev in multiple regions instead of just the one that they’re curating the experience from.
i thought that roblox was made available there again? i know that luobu got shut down for whatever reason but i swear it came back in some form otherwise they probably would’ve deprecated IsSubjectToChinaPolicies
Is it legal in the translator world to translate names? Because I heard you shouldn’t in some sense but could be a problem to pronounce or other problems known.
Hey, please add the scroll bar
Well that explains this, I must’ve toggled it and forgot about it.
Yea some features can confuse one alot, e.g. I accidentally pressed ctrl + L and my object movement was “broken” and literally no doc seemed to mention it, until I asked in a discord server, where a builder told me to fix it’s Ctrl + L
Another example is random things getting unanchored, e.g. I use alt + scrollwheel to change camera movement speed. But when I now start to move to the left, sometimes it accidentally turns into an alt + a key combo and it unanchors the part I have currently selected without me knowing of it
I feel like ROBLOX should give us the option to have sounds play when we do specific actions, sort of like the 2011-2012 studios did. (I.E. Anchoring playing electronicpingshort.wav) But that might just be me. (Likely is)
Really nice feature. My localization is done through scripts, so it would be nice for these to be exposed in some way on LocalizationService so that I may check for myself, or for it to apply to LocalizationTables, etc.
I,d like it!
A lot games don’t get a lot of attetion because player can’t understand game text
Thanks, Roblox!
Huh? Since when are engineers not allowed to be UI designers? Sure, people might tend to pick one or the other but I think it’s a little silly to treat that as a simple fact of life… some people are multi-talented.
As for whether it’s Bitwise’s job to design the UI for the plugin or not… it can certainly make sense to divide up tasks in the way you are describing but that is not always needed. If Bitwise is a capable UI designer and does not already have their hands full with the engineering aspects then I see no reason why they shouldn’t make the UI.
Why is it like that, is it to debug the text?
I don’t understand why the Test Profile has Locale and PseudoLocalization anymore.
I wanted to try this part:
But it looks like it gets set back to the original Experience Language, so the test profile’s locale doesn’t even work