New Player Experience of my Game

Soooo, this is my game

It’s basically a feature rich building game

Now, before I explain how the game works, what features it has, etc, I want you to play the game (if you want to) and try to figure out how things work, basically, what is the first time experience of the game. I’ve had players tell me it is confusing and I would like to know what exactly is confusing and what can be improved (without a tutorial)

I will probably end up adding a tutorial world, but nothing beats good game design

How the game works (please do not read before playing)

So, you basically can create you own world or play worlds other people have made.

When you make your own world, you have building privileges. When you press Q (or click on the build gui), it brings up the mode wheel, which has every mode the game has.

Building Mode
You can build blocks in different shapes, change the color, material and whole range of properties
When building on sloped surfaces, the parts build relative to the surface. There are build settings to play with that

Delete Mode
Click to delete, it doesn’t have much stuff

Paint Mode
This mode is used to change the properties of parts, pretty much all the same that are accessible in the Build Mode

Resize Mode
Works similarly to the classic roblox resize thing

Move mode
Same thing

Rotate Mode
This one works a bit differently, you move the mouse up and down to make it rotate around the axis selected

Configure Mode
With this mode, you can add a whole range of functionalities to parts, from velocity to signs, sound blocks, and even trigger blocks. It is used to created, modify and delete functionalities. I will not get into details about every functionality

There are also some keybinds to do stuff like copy the part’s properties (when in build or paint mode) using left alt or right alt (left alt copies the main properties while right alt copies all of them). You can look into the settings, and keybinds to find all the keybinds and what they do

You can also type /commands, /command, /cmds, (some others idk) to get a list of commands. Those commands include /tp, /kill, /fly, /kick, etc

I’m mainly looking for feedback regarding the first time experience of new players, but if you have any other criticism, I’ll consider them as well

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Cool game but laggy but that’s ok, you can have a look at this post Dealing with Lag Optimization - #6 by caonhat1 i made to help optimized the game better or if have any optimization question you can ask me. The menu GUI should automatically disappear from my screen once i selected something and make the GUI at the side of the screen so that it is more obvious and convenient for players. I think you should add tutorial and give players the option to take it or not because without a proper tutorial I always feels like im missing out on something. Other than that Im not good at building games so kinda boring because there is no main objectives then just building a world and show it to friends and the people.

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What exactly is laggy? I have optimized the game when some players with low end pcs noticed issues (I had some “runaway” code once) and players are not complaining about lag. I also look at the micro profiler to find problematic scripts and have optimized some of them.
The game does use future, but I don’t think that is a problem as the lower graphics quality don’t seem to use future.
Is it cpu lag or gpu lag you are experimenting???

I asked for improvements other than a tutorial since that is something that is already planned and I believe that good game design that guides the player naturally is ideal

I might make the menu gui closed by default when joining a world, but keep it open on the hub as it’s quite useful there. What do you think?

Everytime i play test anyone’s game, I play it on my worst device which is an i3 2 cores integrated graphic card so when I join a game, it will be sometimes laggy but I rejoin your game a second time and it less laggy so prob Roblox was warming the server.

Ok but without tutorial or giving any thing to achieve or keep the players in game, a lot of the players won’t likely play for long or come back to the game even if the game was well-made which in this case it is. A good game is a game that makes players evoke, immerse and intrigue the players into the game world without having tutorial it would make some new players lose interest.

Sure, that’s fine as long as the players knows how to turn it off.

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