(NEW PLUGIN) AutoDebug⚙️ V1.1 - Debugging & Fixing easily your Scripts

Can you elaborate on the way you fix the code?

Given the speed, I don’t think this is powered by OpenAI. I suppose you use rules like:

if error is “incomplete statement”, then add “--” in front of code.

Please demonstrate your plugin on more complex code or elaborate on how it works. You’d easily fall in the category “scammer” otherwise, since the errors it can fix would be very small.

@VSCPlays If you bought the plugin, feel free to shine some light on this ↑


the point of this plugin is to make debugging better.
like only by clicking one button to fix all the script automaticly
for now its good, but not the best, then i will try to make it better.

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Another down the drain like many other of yours.
You do know that Roblox’s Intellisense itself can pinpoint where the said problem is, providing a decent margin of explanation why is that happening and more on that.

I was expecting this would be a real-time debugger but no.

On top of that, what else can this provide?
Can it replace special symbols that causes errors?
Perform checks where using Visual Studio Code can be enough with the use of Selene and LSP?
Check for faulty code and deprecated code?

I wish to see better.


this is probably the most sane and respectful reply from you. but I highly doubt its worth 100 robux, and I hope to seeing an actually good product from you that will be actively maintaned that is worth the price.


I am using the Greek Semicolon as an example, but I will shine some light on that


this is working by other things to each error.

for example for the error: Expected ‘)’
it doing several things together, it check from where it is from the right or the left and then adds in the right postion with some functions:


and like that its doing to all of the things, and for the suggestions its just check the error and take suggestion from a list (its good for new developers)

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Honestly, I won’t see that happen until they fully disclose what the code does and if it uses any external API, may it be free or paid.


its not using any api…

im not going to show you now all the code for free.

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Ahh okay, thought you sent a screenshot of the plugin’s source.

From what I read, it is indeed a rule-based fixer? If you want to sell the plugin for a paid price, I would strongly suggest you to list the errors it can fix in the original topic.

You’re currently advertising it as some magical solution that can fix all problems in a click, which is either ignored or given heavy criticism. You simply cannot make a rule-based engine to fix every single issue.


I know that English isn’t your dominant language, however, this method can be done with the snippet @absentdenik provided with the use of loadstring.

My point stands if you don’t use loadstring for this.


its using loadstring.

Then this plugin is ultimately useless perse; now that you’ve disclosed what it does, and it aligns with the given snippet at the start of the reply section. I believe barely anyone will use this new plugin of yours.

Better yet, it’s best to just keep updating your anti-cheat instead as it’s one of the only plugins you’ve actually put some effort to.


It doesn’t matter what it looks like or what it uses as long as it works fine

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You’re just wrapping a loadstring within a pcall.
Let me,

local targetScript = nil
   local success, errMsg = pcall(loadstring, targetScript.Source)
   if not success then
      textDisplay.Text = errMsg

All this plugin does is find visual studio errors and automatically fix them, for 100 robux. Also the roblox output window exists. What?


thats true the im using something simular to that, but its not that simple as you make.

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Intellisense, debug library and Output have left the chat.


Not to be that guy but doesn’t Roblox already provide a debugger? I mean studio literally tells you what lines are giving the error and they provide all the documentation on Roblox’s dev help site. If this is made for new developers then it still doesn’t really help them (most new devs lack any robux in general plus they will never learn how to debug their own scripts in the future) overall this plugin just seems like a waste of robux that does more harm than good.


all the point of it is AutoDebug
automaticly, and its also saying whats worng, (with suggestion)
its good for new or someone that dont have power to check a long code, or something like that.


But if you don’t have the ability to check your code cause it’s “too long”, why are you even a programmer?