New Settings Available in the Animation Editor

In my head, I pictured the playback speed and adjust speed being the same variable. You could change it to 2.5, but it’s not multiplicative. If I have a part that has a default color of red, and I change it to blue, the engine does not hand me purple. 1.0 is AdjustSpeed’s “Medium Stone Gray.”

I’ve already run into the baking issue before, but I suspect that happened at export from blender. My blinking horse ended up in an animated state where no frame fully closed the eyes.

I suspect the biggest problem we will face while baking is that blender imported animations already exports too many frames, and all bones. I’ve confirmed this is an outstanding bug on blender. This is what the incorrectly imported horse animation looks like (only 2 eyelids are animated, once a second, and not even those frames are right!).


I don’t know what the key frames actually are, how will Roblox? When I finally do get around to cleaning this one up, it would be fairly important that detail is not lost in baking.

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Oh I see what you mean. You would like the ACE to store the playback speed, so that when the engine opens the animation it sets its internal speed (the one usually affected by AdjustSpeed) to the speed coming from the asset rather than the default 1x.
That makes sense, but the concern would then be that you might forget to reset the playback speed to 1x before saving the animation (you make some changes, you slow down the animation to check one last detail, it looks good, and you save the animation without changing the speed back to 1x).
We intentionally designed the playback speed to be decoupled from the animation for that reason (and some others :slight_smile:).


Hey! I know this is a bit off-topic, but if possible, could I receive clarification on how fade times work with AnimationTrack's ::Stop and ::Play methods? I’m working on calculating CFrames of a player’s limbs just from the keyframe data alone, and I’ve run into an issue where all my math becomes very off due to the fact that I don’t take into account for poses fading into each other.
All my animations have Weight values of 1 which should hopefully simplify things, but I still don’t understand how I’d go about taking into account for it all.
If anyone could shed some light on this, I would be super thankful!

To clarify: I’ve read the API, and this is the most meaningful information I could find:

The pose that is shown at any point in time is determined by the weighted average of all the Poses and the WeightCurrent of each AnimationTrack

I’m confused here - what does “weighted average of all the poses” mean?
How would you get an average CFrame from the poses? And would it be the average from all the poses in whole the track, or just the two neighboring poses that are currently playing?
If it’s the latter, does the AnimationTrack object pause at it’s current poses the moment Stop is called?

Sorry for so many questions, this is just very critical to continue development for my game, and I’m a layman in regards to math, so this is all a bit confusing to me.

If there are no plans on fixing the easing direction, would it be possible to reverse the easing direction in just the animation editor?


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