New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

After playing with the beta build, it’s probably ground.


I’m sorry but this update is not optimal for developers at all. Why would you force such a update? You do realize maps are made up of thousands of parts, correct? Say for example a map has about 150 thousand parts, you want a developer to go over all these parts to accept such a needless change to existing parts? This update completely ruins how games look visually. The sand and grass textures are horrendous and do need to be changed, so does slate. Slate and grass look so plastic, they are not as defined as they were. This update honestly looks like how roblox would look if someone modded it to resemble minecraft, don’t push a update like this. Please start to care about your developers’ ergonomics.



This is so ugly Roblox, do better.


It doesn’t work that way, but here’s the link to a downloadable studio with the textures.

Release Material Update Beta v1.5 Release Candidate · Roblox/material-update-beta · GitHub

I want to agree with you, but this is just… No.

The Roblox engine is far too low quality to even get close to the Unreal engine. Until I can use the future lighting system in a semi-large map without it killing my frames, Roblox will be near the back when it comes to the quality of game engines.


I think there should be a plastic/smooth plastic terrain material or something that is just a smooth ish texture that way low poly cartoon games can use the terrain and it would match well i also think you should be able to select the color of a material when your using it like in the same game if you wanted brown dead grass over in one spot and then green in another so you would pick the color in a window like the color pallet in properties that way you can save colors and use the same material for multiple different colored areas I doubt this will happen but would be nice


Really come on, this is going to mess with my game so much, There should be a feature where you can stay on a specific version.

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Sorcus announced on the third post of this subject, that they’re working on making it optional.


It would probably be a good idea for Roblox staff to close both this original thread and the beta thread so that people are seeing things that are up-to-date instead of outdated information.