Yeah I agree maybe they could add another ui that pops up whenever you hover on a material it shows you the legacy or “new” material options
I took a look at the materials, and most of them are great! But I have some dispositions to some of them:
This doesn’t look like ground, it looks like peanut butter…
It looks as if it was drawn by hand with a marker??

There’s too much coloring for ice, maybe keep more of it white?
Part Materials:
The tiling makes it look like the textures went wrong, this would look really bad in some places:
Looks like basalt now? Not bad, but may look weird in places:
Looks like dried paste…
Looks great, but why is there a color on it? I’m using medium stone grey yet it’s green?
And I went through some of my games which had new materials, and in some cases they looked MUCH better, but in other cases I have to completely redo the thing, so I would like if they gave us a toggleable thing, or even better, a toggle for EVERY material, although that would be complex.
This used to be an SCP inspired heavy containment door:
It looks sort of…
Non spooky now, and the diamond plate looks cartoony?
And why does the metal look like it has hair on it?
However, this looks AMAZING:
But now my dirt looks like grass

But this, this is the biggest problem:
Look at diamond plate compared to wood…
It looks so high detailed, and then looks cartoony…
I mean, what??
I’m not trying to spam roblox with pessimism, I infact like this update, but I would, again, like a toggleable option
EDIT: I also noticed this right now, the basalt looks greenish??
Epic!! Do be very cool, This changes roblox ALOT with the new terrain
Three words: Custom terrain textures
Most of those materials use displacement maps, which would become pretty expensive, especially for materials that people would use everywhere.
These new material changes have completely changed my map (containing several tens of thousands of parts) into something horrendous. It is simply unreasonable to ask for a developer to go around and edit over 100k parts to align their old builds with the new materials. If these material changes are forced, it will completely screw me over. By no means do i approve of old places being automatically upgraded to use the new materials.
We’re “whining” because without our input, these changes are likely to be forced as they are, which would not only make the development experience harder for many developers, but it would also break 12 years worth of content (going back to 2009 when materials started to gain more prominence with the addition of the Phong shader instead of everything being Gouraud-rendered plastic).
Materials have changed before (in 2013), but this was less of an issue for various reasons:
- The new set back then (the current set now) didn’t force darker colours in places using pre-existing materials, and was largely focused on improving visual quality to take advantage of the specular, diffuse and normal map layers, something that was rather lacking before.
- Plastic (which was renamed to SmoothPlastic) was still the commonplace material in a lot of places, and therefore there was little to no difference in most places other than things maybe looking a little more crisp and high definition.
- Back in 2013, all games largely used one visual style, one lighting system, one common theme, the impact of updating which was minimal in the sense that you wouldn’t end up causing too many issues.
Nowadays, you have many different games each using their own different styles, meshes and lighting setups. I just don’t think it really makes sense to force something which could potentially ruin millions of games, just so your engine looks “better” to new users and investors?
Beta releases are an opportunity for us to let them know what’s good about it, what could be changed, and what’s bad about it. If we don’t voice our opinion, we can’t get what we want out of this to utilise this upgrade to its full potential (which, really, is just the ability to use the new materials alongside the old ones on a long-term basis, as well as removing the baked-in colour from some of the new ones).
Just to clarify, I don’t think we need to be screaming about it or getting angry at Roblox (as someone did in a now-closed GitHub issue), but we need to let our voices be heard.
I know that it’s a questionable update, but now that every single person is saying that the update is bad, the feedback is starting to get more stale now. We already have enough negative feedback for Roblox to use.
Exactly, It’s getting annoying that everyone is bashing Roblox. I get the concerns, but It’s a early beta. If it’s early beta then it means things are going to change. It’s sad that people are dismissing this update too quickly without waiting for a bit. Have some patience
Roblox didn’t say anything about forcing this. This whole post was created for feedback.
Think you should read this bit again. Again, I do understand where your coming from, just wait a bit though.
I was really looking forward to this. But this is ruining everything to be honest. Peoples builds don’t look as nice, realistic, and it doesn’t go the way they want it to be. Don’t input any “Have to” colors. Like the grass has to have a green tint in it…What is that? Imagination? Thats being forced to use that color. The textures look great by themselves but being blended in? I don’t think so. You guys really need to go back and add a bit more rough texture to the textures that have been made. I really like it you guys wanted to make things look more realistic, but this doesn’t feel like something I would want to put in my game. Make it seem more natural. Make it look more better when its being blended in. I was looking forward to this but its a bit of a disappointment to see. But I believe you guys can make all these fixes. Then I would look forward to using these.
I really like this update but in my opinion the materials shouldn’t be overwritten. For example- i used the old slate for rocks and now there is a new texture for it, which looks really bad with it. The materials should be merged not overwritten. If they are overwritten, it will take a long time to convert the new slate which doesn’t look good anymore to something better.
honestly it would be cool if you guys did something like unreal engine with quixel megascans. Maybe instead of this we could get mesh assets and maybe some sort of built in support for substance painter? Also PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU allow for higher texture resolutions, my game looks like trash because textures can only be ~1500x~1500 or so.
Will we be able to have custom terrain materials?
Yes. I believe so. But I’m still not completely sure…
I just realized that the developers posted this just to check if there are any bugs with the textures. I think in the future they will just put normal textures on a ready-made basis
Just a question, I got the beta studio and I don’t see any new materials? As in like they said they were gonna add new ones, I have the updated old ones but not any new ones??
Personally I highly recommend keeping the old textures but also adding in the new textures. Sure, a lot of new games will look a lot better, and a lot of older games will be able to eventually adapt. But the way that the textures are is important. It’s going to be hard to get used to the new textures for everyone if it’s just forced upon to use the new ones and ditch the old ones. Some people won’t like that.
For the update, the old materials should join the new ones, as some people like myself prefer to blend the old and the new together to make something wonderful. It would help us out a lot.
Also, I’ve noticed a slight tinge of color in some textures, and that can cause a lot of problems with builds.
Another good idea would be sort of a way to customize textures. Think of the new slate texture, with it’s cracks. A good idea would be to have an ability to change how many cracks are on the texture, the length of the cracks, the color of them, etc. It would open the door for a multitude of new ways of customization and uniqueness for our games. (I do know that we have stuff like that already, but sometimes people can’t find the right texture and don’t have the skills to make one of their own).
Adding onto what I said above, it would also be a good idea to have some kind of ability to upload those modified textures to ROBLOX so that other members of the community can use them.
All around, I love how these look, but I feel as though we should also have the old ones alongside the new ones in the next update, and material customization would increase creativity and options in many ways.
They haven’t added in the new ones yet, their still working on that.
They should just add a leaves material for parts, as that would be nice for tree builds.
I actually really think both grasses were improved with this, old terrain grass looked ugly, and the old part grass looked bad from up close when using it for regular grass.