New Type Solver [Beta]

Hey, im a bit confused with new typecast solver, is it possible to do something like that?

local Humanoid =`Humanoid`) --> Returning typecasted Humanoid
local Part =`Part`) --> Returning typecasted Part

--What i want:
local Types = require(script.Types)

function GetModule(Name: string)
	return require(game:FindFirstChild(Name, true)) :: (Types[Name] | any)

local Promise = GetModule(`Promise`) --> Returning typecasted module Promise
local Utils = GetModule(`Utils`) --> Returning typecasted module Utils
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    local connection: RBXScriptConnection | nil
	local connection2: RBXScriptConnection | nil
	local function updateParams(distance: number, exponentialSpeed: number, speed: number)
		distance = (primaryPart.Position - inst.Position).Magnitude
		exponentialSpeed = math.floor(self.settings.MaxDistance / distance) / 10
		speed = self.settings.SpeedModifier * exponentialSpeed
		task.spawn(updateParams, distance, exponentialSpeed, speed)
		task.spawn(updateParams, distance, exponentialSpeed, speed)
	connection = RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() --Save some lag
		inst.Position = inst.Position:Lerp(primaryPart.Position, speed)
		if typeof(connection) == "RBXScriptConnection" then connection:Disconnect() end --Here it throws an error
	connection2 = inst.Destroying:Connect(function()
		if typeof(connection) == "RBXScriptConnection" then connection:Disconnect() end
		if typeof(connection2) == "RBXScriptConnection" then connection2:Disconnect() end
		connection = nil
		connection2 = nil

It throws a type error for no reason and I can’t figure why.
Error message: “Type function instance union<blocked-274313, nil> is uninhabited This is likely to be a bug, please report it at GitHub · Where software is built
I can’t report it just yet on the Github page, but I will try to upload the issue on it as soon as possible.

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local module = {}

local configurations = {
	health = 10;
	range = 10;
	team = "red";

type towerType = keyof<typeof(configurations)>
type health = index<towerType, "health">

function test(param: index<towerType, "health">)

return module

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? (Accidental reply)

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You are doing something wrong, and the error is correct, yeah. keyof<typeof(configurations)> gives you the types of all the keys of configurations, i.e. "health" | "range" | "team". Each of these is a string literal type (or string singleton type) corresponding to those keys. The index type function computes the result type of indexing its first argument by a value of its second argument type. That is, your index<towerType, "health"> is asking for “what do I get if I index any of the three strings "health" | "range" | "team" by "health"?” The answer is that it would fail since strings cannot be indexed generally (the exception being that you can access the string library through each string’s metatable, but that metatable doesn’t have a property named health either), and so index is rightfully telling you about the error.

Assuming that you wanted to annotate it to take the type of the value in configurations that corresponds to the key health, that looks a little bit different, e.g.


local module = {}

-- adding a type alias here to be very explicit about things
type Configuration = { health: number, range: number, team: string }
local configurations: Configuration = {
	health = 10;
	range = 10;
	team = "red";

type towerType = keyof<Configuration>

function test(param: index<Configuration, "health">)

-- but this should also work, including if you didn't annotate `configurations`
function test2(param: index<typeof(configurations), "health">)

return module
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I don’t know if this has been already reported


local Class = {}
local Mt = {} :: Object
Mt.__index = Mt

export type Object = typeof(setmetatable({} :: {
	Property : number,
	Method : (Object) -> (),
	__index : typeof(Mt),
}, Mt))

function : Object
	local self = setmetatable({}, Mt) :: Object
	self -- new and old : self type is Object
	return self

-- the new typesolver annotates self as unknown here while the old typesolver annotate it as Object
function Mt:Method()
	self -- Old : self type is Object | New : self type is unknown

return Class

in the old type solver the type of self in the Method is Object while in the new type solver it is unknown

both screenshots are taken inside of the Method method

I may have defined the type incorrectly, but I donot really know

This is a known issue right now, you can mitigate it yourself by explicitly annotating self in the definition, i.e.

function Mt.Method(self: Object)
    -- body of the function

If you do this, you can still invoke it later with object:Method() just fine.

We know this is not ideal for folks, and plan to implement shared self type inference at some point in the foreseeable future to rectify this and a myriad of other issues with type inference for object-oriented code.

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Hi, I think i occured some kind of error ? I don’t think those “never” are normal.