Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

I’ve seen Roblox push out more features nowadays with a list of known problems. Initially I’d question why they weren’t tackled before making an announcement. Your response helps with understanding why, so thanks!

Deadlines are understandable, time isn’t infinite and progress needs to be shown for a job. Though, I think it’s the intentional model of releasing something at Roblox nowadays other than that angle.

Maybe it’s bigger tasks talking, but the staging releases allows community feedback as seen here. If the list of known issues was a thing before, it wouldn’t ever really be public. I guess now instead of wondering if staff know about an issue, now the common response to announcements would be to question why a specific thing wasn’t done ‘on-time’. :sweat_smile:

I might be spending too much time on the devforum, to be self-aware here

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This does not need to be fixed, it is a feature of the engine.


Don’t you need both a keyboard and a mouse to use Studio effectively? Or are you looking to do everything on a keyboard? Also, just curious since it’s related, are you a scripter? That’s the only role I really see just using a keyboard.

Also remember these features are in Beta AND OPTIONAL. They don’t NEED to support custom icons and stuff yet, and if they don’t support it by release, that’s generally when you want to complain.

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Not super helpful! The new explorer overall feels less responsive, but at least I like where it’s going. It will end up better than the current one, it’s just not there yet. Also see this bug report.

I am really liking the new “Next Gen” changes and can’t wait to see more!

I understand that this is in beta and hope to see full compatibility for things like custom tabs and icons. So far however, it looks much cleaner and way more modern.

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Well it shouldn’t be required, I can navigate my computer pretty well with just a keyboard especially in VS Code

Yes, I prefer to use my keyboard rather than my mouse as I am using a laptop on my lap desk sitting on my couch, I don’t have a Mouse and using the trackpad sucks

Yes, I’m a Software Engineer

Fun fact computers back then only had keyboards, the mouse was invented later
before the Mouse and User Graphical Interface we use a terminal to interact with our computers

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I believe what you’re talking about is still possible. If you want to find all of the scripts in a game, typing simply “Script” will only yield scripts actually named “Script”. Instead, try searching for “ClassName: Script” (type that whole thing into the explorer search) and you’ll yield all of the scripts regardless of their names.

Love the update, the explorer needs it. Been having some issues with the old one so im glad to see it reworked

I have one big gripe that is preventing me from using it right now. The spacing is way too large, I can see so much less it almost feels nauseating, Would love to see the spacing tightened up or atleast a setting to adjust this. Thanks!

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Really hoping that DPI gets fixed sooner rather than later, I’m using 2560x1440 with 125% scaling and the text is noticeably blurry. Other than that I’m really digging the new feel of it!

Didn’t know this happened in studio too. It’s a known issue where things lose quality above 100% scaling, but I hadn’t noticed this in studio somehow. Just curious, does this only happen in the explorer for you, or in the workspace render?

I know they do it to the render in production, it’s quite annoying! I actually saw your bug report on the matter and really hope it gets fixed. (Especially because using the DFFlagDisableDPIScale flag does not work for me! 3:)

I’m unsure as to if they do it to the workspace view in studio though - but I pretty much always have device emulation with 1920x1080 resolution set to fit to screen, so I can’t tell if they do. It is definitely noticeable on the new explorer though, the old one does not have that issue for me.

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rahh setting the primary part of a model doesn’t work


Will shortcuts like renaming an instance be functional when the instance is selected in world space rather than explorer? One of my pain points is having to re-select it in explorer for certain shortcuts to work, and clicking something that’s already selected puts you into a input box for renaming which gets in the way of your intended action.

I really hate the fact that a lot of developers can not make bug reports because the devforum locks down those categories. I get its for good reason but sometimes it is extremely frustrating.

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:beetle: BUGS :bug:

  1. When using the new Explorer in Roblox Studio, I encountered a bug when trying to drag and move items. Specifically, the Explorer does not automatically scroll when I hold an item near the top or bottom of the Explorer window.
    For example, if I have a model located at the bottom of the Explorer and a folder near the top, I need to scroll to see them both. In the old Explorer, I could grab the model, scroll up while holding it, and then drop it into the folder once it came into view.
    However, in the new Explorer, when I grab an item (like the model) to move it to an off-screen instance (like the folder), scrolling does not occur. Instead, I have to manually move the model into a temporary instance closer to the folder, scroll up, and then repeat the process until I can place the model into the folder.
    This makes moving items across different sections of the Explorer inefficient and tedious.

  2. When I drag an instance into another instance that has hidden children, the parent instance I dropped it into becomes invisible in the Explorer. Even if I expand the parent to view its children, it still does not appear.

Hope you can help Roblox team and Merry Christmas :christmas_tree::gift:


Great work overall on this Explorer Update, I’m excited to see where the improvements come with this update.
My main painpoints so far are around the Insert Object Button

  1. It is far too Small
  2. Move the button Next to the end of an Instance Name Like the Old Explorer
    ( or at least create an option to keep it right aligned or text aligned )
  3. The Right aligned feels like bad UX, it feels like an accuracy game having to stay on the correct horizontal line.

Other notes

  1. Not sure if this was fixed, but the Scrolling Frame would jump to the wrong location when I add or remove or click on an Instance. I’m on a 3440 x 1440 monitor
  2. The Frames are larger now, so I can not see as many Instances at once than before. I liked the more compact view of the old Explorer. ( maybe a magnifying glass to increase / decrease the frame sizes)
  3. The Scroll speed feels very weird and different to the old Explorer. I think it’s the smooth scrolling. I’m trying to iterate fast and move quick. A smooth scroll doesn’t feel right for this.

Having some options to turn these on / off would be wonderful. Everyone has a preference, and catering to these preferences would be great.
So far, for me the general UX feels worse that the old Explorer. And I’d love for it to be a better UX Developer experience.


When I move my mouse around fast, I can tell that everything is reacting one frame late. This makes it feel really sluggish. I know that’s a bit nit-picky, but I can’t unsee it now.

The only noteworthy issue I’ve come across: When I try to add an object with the little “+” icon, it (1) doesn’t expand the container that it’s in, and (2) doesn’t select the object. I’m assuming fixing #2 would also fix #1.

Overall, I really like the direction this is going!


Don’t Like it, it is glitchy as hell, everytime i select an explorer object, it keeps resetting the scrolling, it sorts everything alphabetically when before it was module scripts on the bottom .