Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

im not huge fan of the look but the performance is quite nice, i wish there was a way to benefit from the next gen features without making the ui look like that

Love the UI in the new explorer, but why can’t we have system context menus?

Wouldn’t that make the explorer look nicer?

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I’m experiencing some bugs, such as the Explorer not scrolling sometimes or keybinds not working in the Explorer (like pressing Del to delete items or don’t letting me change an item name by double clicking it). Is this Beta stable enough for current projects?


Faster and less lag! what else could we want, looks like you guys are on the right track :slight_smile:

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I remember seeing a reply to someone from a Roblox staff member saying that changing the color thing is a complex or hard job that would take time to do. Something along the lines of that anyways, I’ll edit this if I find the post.

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The + button seems to always show the category names of objects, even if they do not show up, if “Show only recommended objects” is ticked in the + menu settings.

This is not ideal for… obvious reasons and only category names in which objects appear should show.


This is a W update, More darker dark mode,
now im waiting for properties redesign to make this my main

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This is all amazing, especially the hierarchy lines and selection improvements.

One thing that irks me a lot at the moment is context options not being updated until I click off of the instance and then back on to it, I notice it a lot with packages–I hope that’s fixed with this?

It’d be great to have a plugin API for customising the explorer UI, for example adding icons next to instances. This is something Unity supports which can be quite handy to show the state of items, or for custom items that are relevant to a particular project. For example, we have a prefab system in our game and it’d be great if we could identify prefabs with a different icon (that overrode the existing one, or sat at the right-hand side of the row).

I’d also like to be able to set the filter bar contents from a plugin. This would be super useful! For example, we’ve a game made of lots of rooms, I’d like to be able to quickly generate a search of items just within the current room folder/model.

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Are there any plans to allow us to override the behavior of built-in studio menus in the future?

This new Explorer is great generally, but not everyone’s workflow and style preferences (including accessibility) are the same.

It would be awesome if we could rebind studio toolings with our own custom implementations. The bindings could be managed in studio settings. (Note: actions like managing the project would not be able to be rebound, only “tooling” as in stuff related to developing the game)

As an example, if someone wanted to implement their own Explorer, Properties, Animation Editor, ecc. it could conveniently be rebound instead of having both existing in different parts of the interface when someone might only use one of them ever.

Allowing this would still keep studio simple for beginners, while offering advanced customization for more experienced developers. Also, Roblox engineers still only have to manage their default tooling.


you have no idea how much this is gonna be helping in my potential mmorpg

Loving the improvements overall. There’s one small nit pick I’ve got with the new incremental names setting. It’s currently generating:

  • MeshPart
  • MeshPart 1
  • MeshPart 2

Which - from a programming perspective - is awful to work with.
Removing the space is much preferred, especially as this is a power user feature that’s disabled by default.

  • MeshPart
  • MeshPart1
  • MeshPart2

This would allow me to much more easily refer to and index the incrementally named instances through code, and more importantly, is what every programmer is already doing.


That’s what I call a major upgrade.
Well done Roblox :raised_hands:

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Just a minor bug, the PackageLink class is missing an icon. Also, packages are missing their status icons too.

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I had a few opinions on the new Explorer.

  1. The “Insert Object” button is incredibly far away and small now. Before it was placed just after the hovered object’s name. The Insert Object menu that pops up when clicking this button also appears in the top-left of my screen, whereas before it would appear under my cursor.

  2. Disabled scripts aren’t greyed-out anymore. Two of these scripts in the screenshot below are disabled.


It looks perfect, I think pinning instances to the top (under the parent) would be extremely useful.

Just found a bug, when pressing any letter while selecting an instance, it doesn’t select the instance that starts with the letter that I’ve pressed.

The performance is huge improvement. However I still noticed that it can freeze Roblox studio for seconds, is there a way to dynamically load the explorer?

What I mean is that when you open the explorer, you gonna see 100k instance on your explorer, and not of them is visible on your screen. Instead of trying to load 100k instance, why not load the instance as you scroll down the explorer?

I understand it’s a very complex idea and implementing it isn’t easy but that’s just my thoughts.

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Sometimes for me, it does appear right under my cursor, however, a lot of the time it just decides to go to the top left for some reason.

oh it’s faster! Well it slows down the rest of my Studio!
My framerates get extremely choppy (much like with the toolbox) and that just breaks the whole entire thing for me.