I think we have a fix for this ready for next year (we’re in production freeze ATM).
Your comment about PC fans is intriguing. That indicates high CPU usage, which may not show in the microprofiler, but we do a very marginal amount of work when updating the explorer to match your selection–things like moving and resizing shouldn’t matter.
Select Parent(s) is an extremely helpful addition to avoid scrolling. Please ensure this is included in the context menu update. Currently its nowhere to be found with no similar feature available.
Incredibly bugged. I get it is a beta feature and not everything is expected to work but my god this is one of the most bugged beta features yet. Searching 99% of the time doesn’t load all the instances, the entire explorer just missing so many existing instances. Completely unusable.
Can’t believe the bug is so complex that it takes you guys 1 year to fix it…
(Hopefully someone will laugh at my joke…)
Jokes aside, hopefully, many of the menu items will be added back to the new explorer, some options were really useful in my development work. Having to use short-cuts and going back and forth really makes it harder.
This actually looks good and I like the little customizability options we’re given, although a pretty significant problem I’m having is the smooth scrolling which I just cannot get used to and it just doesn’t feel… right. It would be nice to have a option to decrease or fully remove the smooth scrolling.
Other than that, I’m impressed with the performance this explorer gives us.