Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

Two things,

  1. It’d be a neat feature if this explorer had a quick access/pin explorer locations feature. As an example case, right now I’m working in a place with a ton of folders in both the Replicated and Server storages. It’d be cool if I could just pin a folder so I can easily access the contents of said folder and quickly navigate to nearby folders/objects.

  2. I’m sure this has been reported beforehand but within the current build of the explorer, you’re not able to select multiple objects in the explorer by quickly dragging over them while holding your mouse in the explorer tab. It can get a little frustrating when I have to individually select a ton of objects to move over to a new location.

Otherwise, the explorer’s been awesome to use! I’ve had to temporarily disable it because of my 2nd point in relation to my work but I’m excited to see what comes with this overhaul.


The new Explorer doesn’t seem to expand horizontally if you have deeply nested Instances. You can see from the attached screenshot the horizontal scrollbar is already as far as it can go.

I can’t navigate any deeper as I’m already at the maximum, unlike the old Explorer, which expands horizontally as you unfold deeper layers.


Known issue–I plan on looking into it sometime this week