No stopped event for animation

I know that with animation track there’s an event stopped() but this event doesn’t appear to be here for the new animations, How would I make a script that waits for an animation to finish, with the current animation ("Animation"))

Maybe something on here can help you

You don’t play an Animation. You play an AnimationTrack.

AnimationTrack.Stopped:Wait() is what you want


Hmm… that’s what I would do

local animation ="Animation")
animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0000"

local animationTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animation)

   print("animation ended")

Animation and AnimationTrack are 2 different things. Stopped is an event for AnimationTrack, not Animation.

but load animation is becoming deprecated, so I’m avoiding it.

LoadAnimation is deprecated for the Humanoid Instance. They recommend using the Animator Instance for animations

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sothen how do i wait for stopped with animator

It’s essentially the same thing you would do with LoadAnimation for Humanoids, just with a different Instance. But if you’re talking about yielding the thread then:

local animation ="Animation")
animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0000"

local animationTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animation)

animationTrack.Stopped:Wait() -- will pause the thread until the animation ends
-- continue code here
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wait load animation is being deprecated? what other method is there gonna be for me to use.

humanoid.animator can be used from now on

like what @HugeCoolboy2007 said

i dont understand it can you write an example of how you would play one? and can you still do it on the client.

Information for that can be found here
And the Animator Instance