It seems like you are asking something that you think is something very simple but in truth it is not. I’d recommend attempting to complete the following steps before attempting this:
Learn basic HTML/CSS
Learn basic JavaScript
Read the documentation for noblox
To start coding, I’d recommend installing a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Atom
Hi! I’m the maintainer behind noblox.js. If I were you I’d definitely recommend the steps above. If you want to make a website that you can rank users from, you’d need to set up some kind of REST API backend with maybe a React.js frontend and link it up. For security purposes, you would then need to lock down your website and require users to log-in or something. You could do a simple HTML/CSS website, like @HmmBilly said (except you should be using POST not GET), but there’s no security there unless you require the user to give a key which only you can give (which albeit is insecure). Either way you need to understand the basics of web development before you can get anywhere.