Not placing tower but there is no errors

I did and it is still not printing.

Dude why is that happening lol It seems the Local Script is not running!

Have you never thinked the problem would be on the remote function?

No. I never thought it would be a remote function.

Should I change it to a remote event?

Wait screenshot the part you calls it( the remote function)



Are you passing informations through scripts?

idk what you are talking about.

Because remote functions can pass parameters through scripts, are you doing that?

I know that inside of the tower module the RemoteFunction is Invokeing the server.

Is this what your talking about? requestTowerFunction.OnServerInvoke = tower.CheckSpawn

Yes, so you need to use remote function.

Try changing the local script to ReplicatedStorage, changing parameters of course since you changed its placement.

Now the script is not working.

What do you mean with that? ( 30O)

nvm, I set the variable wrong.

Now the gui for it won’t show.

I mean put the local script on ReplicatedFirst (Sorry)

It still does not show the gui