Notched Screen Support - FULL RELEASE

The provided function “getHardwareSafeAreaInsets()” does help solving the problem but then I need to ask A LOT that Roblox make it a built-in function, and also making AbsolutePosition a writeable property would simplify our lives a lot.

Currently I rely on AbsolutePosition mainly to create lines between different 2d objects that are under different parents, and sometimes under different ScreenGui’s with different “IgnoreGuiInset” values; and to create a “take and drag item” behaviour between inventory-like slots. Therefore knowing the offset sizes that should be guessed out of AbsolutePositions is a core need.



A small white square appears on the bottom left notched area when my keyboard is opened. It’s size will get bigger the bigger my keyboard is and smaller the smaller my keyboard is and it will not appear when the icons like the menu and the chat icons are completely visible. This happens on every game. My phone is Samsung Galaxy M12. Here are screenshots for reference:


Yes this would be useful :slight_smile: After failing to find anything in the docs I came to this topic looking specifically for an API which lets me query the screen inset sizes.


Having some weird white edges and corners while emulating notched screen devices.

When testing the game it looks even weirder:

Also shouldn’t this feature be removed from the beta features tab now that its fully released?


1 Year later, Still seeing the black part, even if i turned on Full Screen, then rejoin, it automatically turn off the full screen option.

Please help

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Hi, this bug should be fixed now in the latest version of Studio!


Hmm sorry to hear this isn’t working! I had a few questions if you have a chance:

Is this occurring 100% of the time for you, or only sometimes? Also, is your device iOS or Android?
Would you be able to provide some repro steps to see the black bar? For example, are you seeing the black bar only on rejoin?

Also please note that notch support is on for 95% of users, so it is possible you are in the 5% without notch support. Could you try logging into a different account to see if that gives you notch support?

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Im using the Latest iOS (17.4), And since I downloaded Roblox, its the same thing. I tried turning on the Fullscreen option, when I rejoin it automatically turns into Fullscreen off. And toggling the full screen option doesn’t change anything.

Tried an alt account, same thing. I hope I get included on that 95%, The black cutout really looks bad.

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Hi all, just wanted to provide an update that we’re rolling out notch support to 100% of users today :iphone:! (Previously we were at 95% rollout.)

Please let me know if you get any reports of notch support not working!


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