Notifications Stream for Beta Testers!

PS: You can enable ‘Desktop Mode’ on most mobile browsers. I do it for roblox by default and it’s glorious.

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Would be nice to have an ignore all button for friend requests

Also, not sure if this would work, but being able to read and reply to messages in the notification tab would be super sweet


er, why can’t I disable this…?

I’d really rather not get a notification every time I get a friend request.


Like I said in the OP, we are making some notifications mandatory for the notifications stream, but we are still experimenting with what types.

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…why? Shouldn’t it be up to the user to decide what they do and don’t want to see in their stream?


Like I said in my post, we don’t want users to be able to turn off every single type and make the stream empty. There are things that we think are core to the ROBLOX experience, and one of them is making friends.


I don’t have time for another 33,876 more friends.

The core of the ROBLOX experience is making it what you as the user want it to be, which isn’t necessarily making a boatload of friends.

You asked for suggestions, and here’s mine: please let me turn this off.


Okie, thanks for the feedback pal!


I think making any sort of notification mandatory is a really bad idea. If I find notifications annoying, I want to be able to turn them off, regardless of whether or not they’re “part of the core experience”. They make my experience with the product worse because I don’t want them in the first place and they get in my way.

Please let me turn notifications off if I don’t want them, even if that means my notifications stream is empty. These should be a useful tool when I need it, and not something that notifies me of things that I don’t care about because someone else thinks it should be important.

As someone who barely uses the social aspects of the site (at least on my main account, because people can get really annoying), getting any sort of notifications about what people are doing on the site is going to get in my way more than it’s going to be useful to me, and I can imagine getting a great deal of frustration from being forced to have notifications on for something I’m not interested in.

Mandatory notifications kind of remind me of email spam for some reason, except that they’d be in my face at all times.


Would be cool to get a notification when a favourited game gets updated (optionally of course). Could be beneficial because there’s a lot of instances when people favourite a game then forget about it because it hasn’t been updated in a long time.
They would have to be grouped into one notification though because some people favourite a lot of games lol


Sounds good, I’ve thought that ROBLOX could do with something like this for a while.

Will trade notifications and friend request accepted notifications etc now appear exclusively in the stream or will we still get PMs about these?

It would definitely reduce some inbox clutter if most of the auto generated PMs became notifications. But I can see that they might be easily missed if you get flooded with friend requests.


I would remove the app if I couldn’t turn off notifications for things such as comments on something I made. Let’s hypothesize for a moment and say I’m Defaultio(I’m not). Now what if I get so many spam comments, but cannot turn off the notification and would rather not turn off comments in hopes that Roblox fixes the issue with the spam soon? My phone would constantly be buzzing and I would see nothing in my feed except for comments by bots. This would get annoying rather fast, so I would feel like I should be allowed to turn off comment notifications and any notifications that I wish.

Also blog posts should be notified about, I never know when a new one comes out anymore because the article list is shoved down too far on the home page.

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I’m not really a professional designer, but I do have a lot of experience using things designed by professionals. One thing that I notice bothers me is when designers want something to be used, they may force users to use it. This is a big no-no! Users should be encouraged to use features, not forced, and if it’s noticed that certain features aren’t being used very much, they should be improved so users will want to use them (after all, that’s what they’re for!) Users being forced to use features they don’t like is a big source of frustration, so I don’t think the experience you’re looking to convey is going to be conveyed by force :P

The core experience is opt-out (as opposed to opt-in), so most users probably won’t bother to disable them unless they’re severely annoying, which in this case you can revise and improve the core experience (which is a good thing!) and in the end nearly all users will have them enabled, with only those not wanting any sort of notifications having the core experience disabled.


Hia! I’d like access to this dank new feature.

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For those asking to be added to the beta list:



The style seems to have messed up a little.
Sadly I don’t know how to repro this ):

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Wait, are we going to get a notification every time someone comments on something we own? Please no. :frowning:

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Not being stacked. :frowning:


I like this, it has a lot of potential! I think a bell might be a better icon for notifications though, it looks a little like the hamburger menu icon currently.


I’m on that beta list tho. This one seems different as I still haven’t gotten the feature. I’ve had just about every other beta feature though. nvm it literally just showed up

As for the feature, can’t wait to try it out! I’ve always loved the idea of keeping all notifications in one location, and this just does that!

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