Notoriety: A PAYDAY® Experience | Version 3.9.6c

Version 3.9.6c “Lead is in the air”
Happy Valentine’s Day from Moonstone Games :rose:

Play the game here



  • Added akimbo weapons (primary slot)
    • Added akimbo counterpart for: G17, G18, P250, Deagle, FiveSeven, Raging Bull, Judge and Flare Gun
  • Akimbo weapons share skins with their non-akimbo counterparts
  • Added a setting to determine the control of akimbo weapons under Gameplay:
    • Manual (default): Press Attack button to fire left gun. Press aim button to fire second gun.
    • Automatic: Pressing Attack button will fire both guns at once.


  • Introducing UGC! Ever wanted to dress up as Jade? Ash? Harlem? Now you can!
    • Various outfits and masks are now for sale in the lobby’s store page
    • Unless otherwise stated, these are items for your Roblox avatar and do not give in-game benefits


  • Added support for Console (Playstation and Xbox)!
  • New lobby setting: Crossplay
    • When enabled, any platform can join your lobby. When disabled, only people from your platform can join (PC or Console)


  • Updated store page to look more modern
    • Store now includes the ability to purchase exclusive avatar (not in-game) items for your Roblox account under the “UGC” category
  • Flare Gun and SAW are now part of the rewards pool in Challenges and can receive randomly-generated skins


  • When all players are ready, the heist will automatically start rather than waiting for the ready lock
  • SAW will now only spend ammo if it hits something
  • Temporarily disabled glass breaking effects as we look into a solution to the performance issues related to it


  • Optimization improvements for NPCs bullets, projectile and pathfinding
  • Bullets fired by NPCs now has hit effects such as bullet holes
  • Adjusted tracer effects


  • Fixed Armorer basic not working properly
  • Updated Armorer basic description to clarify its use (“The time it takes for your armor to regenerate after taking damage is reduced from 3 seconds to 2.4 seconds.”)
  • Updated Intimidator Aced to clarify its use (“Shooting an unsilenced weapon will make any civilians in a 25 meters radius to hostage themselves.”)
  • Rampage: Reduced damage multiplier from 2x (basic) and 4x (aced) to 1.5x (basic) and x2 (aced)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed not being able to rename profiles
  • Fixed SAW Damage display being incorrect from the one actually dealt
  • Fixed polices and guards breaking and becoming immortal if they were killed too early
  • (Downtown Bank) Fixed an invisible wall blocking an easter egg spawn
  • (R&B Bank) Adjusted Vault door collision to prevent players getting stuck inside it

Heist Changes

  • Gift Factory

    • Added a BrickTech camera in the gift area. Just to check up on you guys.

    • Updated a few textures and removed areas of z-fighting and incorrect colored walls

    • Reworked power boxes. Now, once active, you only have to defend the machine itself. If the police manage to get to the machine, it will be disabled and have to be turned on again.

    • Added progress bars and indicators to the machine to make it easier to plan ahead for.

    • Added “Trade Secrets” badge

  • Shopping Spree

    • The car will now always instantly explode when health reaches 0. Health reduced from 5k to 3k
    • Fixed a spot that would allow the player to escape the map by clipping through walls
  • Nightclub

    • Fixed escape delaying if the objective was completed too fast
  • The Ozela Heist

    • Fixed body bagging the manager causing the heist to softlock
    • Fixed players in custody being required for the disguise sequence, causing a softlock
    • You can now lockpick the door that leads to the Control Room as soon as the Guitar Case is opened
  • Trick Or Treat

    • Fixed police and criminal AI getting stuck on some fences

Balance Changes

  • Buffs:

    • G17 - Concealment buffed from 28 to 30
    • Raging Bull - Concealment buffed from 20 to 23
    • Deagle - Concealment buffed from 18 to 22
    • UMP45 - Concealment buffed from 20 to 22
    • Vepr 12 - Concealment buffed from 6 to 13
    • M1014 - Concealment buffed from 10 to 16
    • M24 - Concealment buffed from 5 to 10
    • L96 - Concealment buffed from 5 to 12
    • M110 - Concealment buffed from 5 to 8
    • Winchester 1873 - Concealment buffed from 5 to 15
    • Crossbow - Concealment buffed from 15 to 22
    • Torch - Concealment buffed from 20 to 24.
    • Citizen Armor - Dodge increased from 5 to 15
    • SAW - Now benefits from “Fighter” skill, both Basic and Aced.
    • Riot Shield - Blocking speed penalty reduced from 50% to 20%
  • Nerfs:

    • P90 - Concealment nerfed from 30 to 24
    • Flare Gun - Concealment nerfed from 30 to 28
    • G18 - Concealment nerfed from 30 to 24

Version 3.9.6d (hotfixes)


  • Fixed a few issues related to players readying up too fast
  • When hitting a deposit box with a SAW, the game now prevents it from being hit twice to avoid wasteful ammo usage
  • Fixed automatic fire rate being tied to FPS
  • Fixed dual weapons auto reloading when only one of the guns had 0 ammo instead of both
  • Fixed some client performance issues related to NPC weapon firing
  • Fixed console users being unable to exit cameras
  • Fixed Akimbo Judges having Reflex Scope option
  • Fixed Judge having rails even without attachments
  • Fixed some pathfinding issues on Rush Hour that could cause the heist to softlock in rare circumstances
  • (Downtown Bank) Fixed boarding windows not working
  • Corrected volume on some AI weapons
  • (Transport Day 1) - Fixed truck door not opening in some cases


(balance changes might not be visible until you are in a 3.9.6d server- we are not restarting servers for this)

  • Excalibur: Concealment increased from 10 to 22
  • Riot Shield: Concealment increased from 10 to 18
  • P90: Concealment increased from 24 to 26
  • UMP-45: Concealment increased from 22 to 25
  • Akimbo G18: Spare ammo increased from 264 to 330



  • On controller, made so masking up requires holding the mask key for 0.5 seconds to not conflict with the Chameleon skill


  • Migrated to Roblox’s new chat system, which brings eligibility for console chat
  • In-game chat color is determined by your player’s assigned heister color


  • On Akimbo guns, you can now customize the skins of the Left and Right gun separately
  • When using “Both” akimbo mode setting, you can now use fire mode key (default: B or DPad Down) to alternate between firing both guns simultaneously or alternated
  • Added estimated server region in the heist menu screen (Tab/Select) - displays where the server you’re currently in is likely located
  • Updated appearance of ghost cops


  • Ready lock reduced from 10 to 3 seconds.
  • Players are now required to be ready locked to start the game (in order to avoid issues), even if everyone’s ready
  • “Host Only” kick setting is enabled by default


  • Professional Basic: Can now only hang up pagers up to 2 times per body.
  • Parkour Aced: Now allows the user to fire while sprinting as well.


  • Fixed some UGC being unable to be purchased
  • Fixed sensitivity issue with Controller
  • Fixed Store page navigation issues with controller
  • Fixed boosters not being able to be activated with controller
  • Fixed highlighting enemies/yelling being inconsistent when leaning
  • Fixed Judge having Reflex Scope as an attachment option
  • Fixed special skins such as Arctic Retribution (Deagle) and Toy (P250) not working with Akimbo Weapons
  • Fixed Deagle’s Arctic Retribution not affecting the barrel
  • Fixed Flare Gun angled aiming
  • Fixed hostages slowly moving out of their spots in certain situations (like Ozela Manager)
  • Fixed lobby hosts being able to kick themselves
  • Fixed M110 not having tactical reload
  • Fixed ‘The Haunting’ mutator causing cops to get stuck after retreating
  • Fixed jumping logic considering bodies and bags as solid ground
  • Fixed unready button not working properly
  • Fixed preplan music sometimes playing in-game alongside the heist music
  • Fixed police bullets being duplicated
  • Fixed a lag issue with lobby particles on low graphics
  • Fixed the weapon inspecting rather than reloading if only the second gun was fired on a controller
  • Fixed throwables glass breaking not being detectable in stealth
  • Fixed bodies and bags blocking detection of players

Golden Mask Casino

  • Fixed clipping issues
  • Locker interaction reduced from 2 seconds to 0.1 seconds

R&B Bank

  • Moved Van to the first floor of the parking garage
  • Opened access to the security room via the vents during Stealth (previously was Loud only)
  • Minor visual and geometry adjustments for better gameplay

Haunted Forest

  • Improved visibility
  • Souls going towards the Brew no longer have collisions, preventing players from being flinged by it

Rush Hour

  • Gas station van spawn will now stay during stealth and only leave if the heist goes loud.
  • Adjusted formatting of the objective text to use bullet points

Transport (Day 2)

  • Fixed an oversight with map boundaries that allowed players to escape out of bounds