Recently I wrote a simple pathfinding npc system along with greatly optimizing it
The npc model properties such as: CanCollide, CanQuery, CanTouch, and CastShadow set to off
Code part has been simplified as I could make it be, instead of setting each NPC CFrame seperately I use Roblox’s BulkMove Api, because as I know this method doesnt apply any updates on physics of the model and only change the position of it.
The system is OOP structured. Client-sided rendering and server-sided spawn replication to all the clients.
My current goal is to improve the performance of my code as much as possible
What I tried and did not work:
Using Parallel Luau and creating a seperate actor for each NPC, resulted in almost the whole movement code being REQUIRED to run in serial. The conclusion is using chopped Parallel Luau to move parts is less performant than the serial way.
Anchoring all the parts inside of a npc model and not just PrimaryPart with welding them to each other. Did not work for idk reason
My suggestions:
PartCache and ObjectCache are looking like a good option to use in my case, although reading their logic of work they didn’t seem anything special.
Update 1
Converted the NPC Model into one skinned mesh along with rigging it, and instead of using BulkMove I switched up to changing CFrame of main bone of the NPC. This ended up on giving 2x more performance.
Update 2
Replaced some of unnecessary math calculations out of a “while” loop. Surprisingly gave another ~30% performance
If you want to squeeze out the most performance, you can convert NPCs into just one skinned mesh, and use bones to move the “limbs”. This ends up being way more performant than having 6 parts.
The performance gain is around 200%
Now with 1000 moving npcs fps lock at around 144-156 fps and with 2500 npcs its 42-46 fps
Even with that huge boost I’m still concerned about efficiency of my code, could you look at it and tell me if there’s something I can do to make it more performant?
Update 1 Script
local Replicate = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local PathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local runService = game:GetService('RunService')
local Ticks = 60
local walkRange = 200
local class = {}
class.__index = class
local entities = {}
function class.start()
-- Parameters
local StepStuds = 50
function class.New(index : number, model : Model)
local self = setmetatable({},class)
self.Index = index
self.Character = model:Clone()
self.Character.Parent = workspace.NPCs
self.ControlBone = self.Character.PrimaryPart.Torso
self.CFrame = self.ControlBone.WorldCFrame
self.Path = PathfindingService:CreatePath()
entities[self.Index] = self
return self
function Step(self)
while true do
local randomPoint =,walkRange), 0, math.random(-walkRange,walkRange))
self.Path:ComputeAsync(self.CFrame.Position, randomPoint)
local wps = self.Path:GetWaypoints()
for i=2,#wps do
local waypointPosition =[i].Position.X,self.CFrame.Position.Y,wps[i].Position.Z)
self.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(self.CFrame.Position, waypointPosition)
while true do
self.CFrame += self.CFrame.LookVector * (StepStuds/Ticks)
if (waypointPosition - self.CFrame.Position).Magnitude <= 1 then
function BulkMove()
for index, entity in entities do
entity.ControlBone.WorldCFrame = entity.CFrame
return class
Replaced unnecessary math calculations out of a “while” loop and rewrote the whole functionality of the script. This gave another ~30% performance gain
Update 2 Script
local Replicate = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local PathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local runService = game:GetService('RunService')
local class = {}
class.__index = class
local entities = {}
function class.start()
-- Parameters
local Ticks = 60
local StepStud = 25/Ticks
local StepWait = 1/Ticks
--- Creation & Main Functions
function class.New(index : number, model : Model)
local self = setmetatable({},class)
self.Index = index
self.Character = model:Clone()
self.Character.Parent = workspace.NPCs
self.ControlBone = self.Character.PrimaryPart.Torso
self.CFrame = self.ControlBone.WorldCFrame
self.Path = PathfindingService:CreatePath()
self.Moving = false
entities[self.Index] = self
return self
function class:Start()
if self.Moving == true then return end
self.Moving = true
while true do
self.Path:ComputeAsync(self.CFrame.Position, GetRandomPoint(200))
local Waypoints = self.Path:GetWaypoints()
for index = 2, #Waypoints do
if self.Moving == false then break end
local waypointPosition =[index].Position.X,self.CFrame.Position.Y,Waypoints[index].Position.Z)
self.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(self.CFrame.Position, waypointPosition)
local Step = self.CFrame.LookVector * StepStud
while task.wait(StepWait) do
self.CFrame += Step
if (self.CFrame.Position - waypointPosition).Magnitude <= 1 then break end
function class:Stop()
if self.Moving == false then return end
self.Moving = false
--------- Secondary Functions
function GetRandomPoint(Value)
return,Value), 0, math.random(-Value,Value))
---------- Move Part
function BulkMove()
for index, entity in entities do
entity.ControlBone.WorldCFrame = entity.CFrame
----- Events
return class
Don’t use OOP for npc systems. Use ECS instead. It’s one of the few areas where ECS can provide a much larger performance boost.
Idk how you are handling collision, but if you want a lot of npcs to be performant, you need a custom physics engine. I also recommend spacial hashgrid which allows for very easy multi threading and it’s also O(N)
I’ve already implemented Jecs ECS System and it seems to be working fine I can already see the performance gain.
Although I’m still curious about how exactly should spatial hashgrid help in my case, I surfed a little bit and it seems to be used only for detecting objects in space. The only thing I can imagine using it for is distance check between the npc model and current waypoint position
What does O(N) mean?
The only post saying something alike to my case is:
But I still didn’t understand what is the purpose of using Octree, Spatial Hash Grid, Quadtree and etc. in npc systems
Hi! Glad you are seeing some performance gains with jecs. However, as noted in my article, uniform data is better off put into specialized index structures such as octrees as a complementary to the ECS itself. This means you can store the octree as a component, with a separate function to walk that tree.
It is very useful to learn as many data structures and algorithms as possible, ECS is not a silver bullet and learning to use these things together will help you absolutely maximize performance.