[NS] Information & Guides

This post contains important content regarding the official Dutch Railways group on Roblox.
Please read them carefully and note that this content may be updated from time to time.

Group link: Dutch Railways - Roblox

Driver GUI Keybinds

The keybinds for the DriverGUI’s functions are:

  • Z: Stop Brake
  • F: Lights
  • H: Horn
  • R: Open Set Route Frame
  • N: Progress Route
  • ]: Increase Speed Limiter
  • [: Decrease Speed Limiter
  • Q: Open Left Doors
  • E: Open Right Doors
  • C: Change Cab
  • G: Pin GUI
  • -: Toggle Backpack
  • Keypad 7: Increase traction
  • Keypad 4: Decrease traction
  • Keypad 8: Direction up
  • Keypad 5: Direction down
  • Keypad 9: Increase brake
  • Keypad 6: Decrease brake
  • X: Toggle delete train prompt
  • Y: Accept prompt
  • N: Cancel prompt

A feature to change these keybinds will be added in a future update.

Train Driver’s Guide

This guide includes everything you should know as a Train Driver at Dutch Railways.

Spawning a Train

To get a train, hover your mouse over the “>” icon on the left side of your screen to open the menu. Click on the “Trains Menu” button. A new GUI will appear asking you to select a type of train and which depot you would like to spawn it at. After selecting the depot, click on “Spawn”. Your train will be spawned and you will be teleported to its cab.

Beginning a Service

At the beginning of every service, you must turn on your lights, disable the Stop Brake, set your service (see the Routes System paragraph) and then drive out of the yard. You can set your service while in the yard or when you arrived at the first station, as long as you do it before you actually start your service.

As you approach a major station (e.g., Utrecht Centraal), a GUI will appear on your screen asking you to select a platform. Select an available (blue) platform as soon as possible, this will be the platform you’ll arrive on.

Once arrived at a station on your service, unlock the doors and click Progress Route to update the train’s information systems.

Driver GUI

The Driver GUI is the GUI you use to control your train. Here is an explanation of each action in the Driver GUI:

  • Horn: Sounds the train’s horn.
  • Stop Brake: Functions as an emergency brake.
  • Delete: Removes your train. You will be prompted to confirm your request when pressing this button.
  • Lights: Turns on or off the exterior directional lights on your train. Must be on when driving.
  • Left/Right Doors: Locks and unlocks the left or right doors.
  • Black lever: Resistance/brake. 100% is equivalent to a full brake.
  • Blue lever: Direction of your train. 0 is equivalent to neutral, 1 to forward and -1 to backwards.
  • Red lever: Power/throttle. 100% is equivalent to full throttle.
  • Speedometer: Shows the current speed of your train.
  • Speed controller: At the bottom of the speedometer. The number that you type in is the maximum speed that your train will go at. Be sure to press “OK” to activate that speed.
  • Small button in upper left corner of the GUI: Hiding feature. Click and move mouse away from the GUI to hide the Driver GUI.
  • Set Route: Set your train’s service.
  • Stop Driving: Allows you to stop driving a train and let a new driver claim it. The next driver who sits down in the seat will receive the train’s Driver GUI. A train will be automatically deleted after 60s with no driver.
  • “>” button, Progress Route: Controls the screens in the train cabin that show passengers the current station and the next station(s). The station name that appears in the box next to this button should be the next station that is on your route. Do not press the button until you have stopped at this station!

You can use all these controls using keybinds. For the keybinds please read the Driver GUI Keybinds section! Please note that all buttons that are blue are off and all gray buttons are on.

Routes System

Whenever you click on the Set Route button on the bottom left of the GUI, a frame will show up.
In this frame you can set and adjust your train’s service.

The “Start” column and the “Terminus” column contain the major stations on the line, the “Service” column contains the types of services your train can run. In the Theoretical Train Driver Test II, the stations in the “Start” column are displayed as “D”, the stations in the “Terminus” column as “T” and, the service types as “S”.
The “Passenger Service” toggle on the left bottom of the frame determines if you’re going to be a passenger service or another service (cargo/free). If you disable this toggle, the information systems in and on your train will not be turned on.

Service types:

  • Sprinter (SP) services will stop at every station.
  • Inter-City (IC) services are an “express” service and will stop at a select number of stations.
  • If you are driving the ICE train, the only option available will be the Inter-City Express (ICE) option, which is a non-stop trip from Utrecht Centraal to Amsterdam Centraal.

When you have finished setting up your service, click the “Ok” button. If the GUI then errors “Unreal service!”, it means that this service does not exist and you have to change it. This can happen when you for example chose the Terminus station to be the same as the Start station.

NOTE: When you have successfully set up your service (e.g. Utrecht Centraal to Amsterdam Centraal, Sprinter Service), the “next station” box will show your beginning station. Make sure to click the “>” to bring up the next station before departing. In this case, your screen should say Utrecht Zuilen before you leave the station.

Station Abbreviations

Here’s a list of the in real life used abbreviations for the stations on our line.

  • Utrecht Centraal: Ut
  • Utrecht Zuilen: Utzl
  • Maarssen: Mas
  • Breukelen: Bkl
  • Abcoude: Ac
  • Amsterdam Holendrecht: Ashd
  • Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA: Asb
  • Duivendrecht: Dvd
  • Amsterdam Amstel: Asa
  • Amsterdam Muiderpoort: Asdm
  • Amsterdam Centraal: Asd

Railway Signs

We have some speed limits on our lines. The key for reading the signs is the following. Please multiply each number by 10 to get the correct speed:

  • Green triangle pointing up: speed up to the displayed speed.
  • White square: you should ride the displayed speed.
  • Yellow triangle pointing down: slow down to the displayed speed.
    NOTE: Slow down on switches! A speed of 40 is recommended.

Light Signals:
There are also light signals placed throughout the lines. This is what each color means:

  • Red: Stop your train, and wait for the signal to turn yellow or green.
  • Yellow: Slow your train down to a speed 40. The next signal is most likely red.
  • Green: You may continue driving the section; max speed.
    If you pass a red signal or are standing in front of red signal that might be broken, stop your train and call a MR or HR over. They will teleport to you and evaluate the track and give you permission to SPAD (Signal Passed At Danger)*.
    *NOTE: The light signals currently do not work correctly. When the section in front of you looks clear, you are allowed to pass a red signal.


Conductors can request to conduct your train using the Conductor Key (see Conductor’s Guide).
If someone is conducting your train, you should follow these rules:

  • Continue to unlock the doors at each station.
  • Moments before departure, the conductor will blow their whistle to indicate that the doors are closing and will then proceed to close the doors using their Conductor Key. Drivers will notice that at this point, the levers and door buttons in the Driver GUI are locked.
  • Once the conductor has finished closing the doors and seated themselves, the controls will return to you (the driver) and you can depart.
Conductor’s Guide

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about being a conductor for Dutch Railways.

The Job of a Conductor

A conductor will assist in the dispatching of trains using a whistle, a Railpocket and a Conductor Key. You can request to become a train’s conductor by clicking on it while holding the Conductor Key.

Using the Conductor Key

There are 5 steps to using the conductor system properly and safely:

  1. After waiting at a station for the designated amount of time, blow your whistle. This signals to the passengers and the driver that you are going to close the doors and prepare for departure.
  2. Inside the train at each door, there is a panel on the wall with two buttons. Take your Conductor Key and click on the keyhole. You may need to click it a couple of times. Your key will go into the panel.
  3. Click on the key. It will turn 90 degrees. All open doors except the door from which the key was used will close.
  4. Step onto the platform and check if all doors have closed.
  5. Step back into the train, click on the key again to rotate it and retrieve it from the panel. Then, press the button that has the icon of closing doors to close your door and return control of the doors to the driver.

Using the Railpocket

The Railpocket is a tool that allows for conductors to check passengers’ tickets. It is very simple to use.
There are 3 steps to using the Railpocket properly:

Open the Railpocket and drag the GUI on the screen to wherever you like it.
Using your cursor, click on a passenger holding a ticket to scan them.
The ticket information should appear in your GUI.
Since entry to the stations is open for everyone, it does not matter if someone doesn’t want to show their ticket. In this case don’t take to much time and continue to the next passenger.

Use of the Whistle

The whistle is only to be used once at each station.

You should blow your whistle only when you are ready to close the doors and prepare for departure. Do not blow the whistle at any other time!


NS Roblox is not affiliated with the real ‘Nederlandse Spoorwegen N.V.’ in any way, except that we are allowed to use their name and awesome logo for our group.


The NS Roblox Management Team