What video? The video in your post looks like you changed the value on the client.
You probably set your Rubies value using the command bar or you set it without switching server-side. Cause it didn’t replicate.
I tried creating code similar to yours, and it worked fine for me.
Guys… I thought changing it from the player wasn’t Client and turns out you need to change it from the actual Test Server…
But now I got another problem where it duplicates the tool double… Man I hate this…
What do you mean?
Argh maybe I should make a Post about this (Gave up)
Just tell me, what do you mean by doubles?
Does it give you two of the item when you buy it? or is it that you can buy several?
Finally I can upload.
Does this only happen in a server with two players?
Yes. Probably because of the Server Script
if Player.leaderstats.Rubles.Value >= 10 then From the local script
And add that check in the server sided script
like this:
local Tool = game.ReplicatedStorage.BusinessItems.JokeGun
if Player.leaderstats.Rubles.Value >= 10 then
Player.leaderstats.Rubles.Value -= 10
Tool:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
This is on Server Script right?
yes it is
just make sure to remove if Player.leaderstats.Rubles.Value >= 10 then from the local script
(wriejewithjuthut3h4tui3thu34htui34htui34 this 30 letter limit is annoying)
Still broken somehow and still broken somehow and still broken somehow (30 letter is very annoying)
(30 letter limit is annoying)
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