Numbering System for Simulator

Hello , I’m scripter developer as you can guess and I have little issue that I can’t solve . Maybe you can help me with it , I will really appreciate it !
So I want to make numbering system , like when player have > 1000 strength it will add “K” on the ending and if he have > 1000000 then it will make “M” on the ending I tried making script and here what it looks like .


local dady = script.Parent

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

while true do

dady.Text = Player.leaderstats.coins.Value


elseif Player.leaderstats.coins.Value >= 1000 Player.leaderstats.coins.Value <= 1000000 then

dady.Text = (Player.leaderstats.coins.Value/1000)…“K”


elseif Player.leaderstats.coins.Value >= 1000000 and Player.leaderstats.coins.Value <= 1000000000 then

dady.Text = (Player.leaderstats.coins.Value/1000000)…“M”


elseif Player.leaderstats.coins.Value >= 1000000000 and Player.leaderstats.coins.Value <= 1000000000000 then

dady.Text = (Player.leaderstats.coins.Value/1000000000)…“B”



But when I tested it out here how it worked(Not worked)

What can I change to my script?

Does it error? Where is the script in? The code looks like a syntax error to me as it doesn’t have if in it while it has elseifs.

Btw It’s commonly referred as number abbreviation.

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The script is local and it’s parented to Text . What can cause this error what you’re talking about?

There are plenty of posts already relating to this, please use the search feature next time.

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The code you provided is checking your coins value which is 0. You have provided the wrong snippet of code.

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You should only update the text when the value changes, for that you can use the changed event of the value instance.

Edit: The replies below are better.

local dady = script.Parent

local endings = {

local function updateText(num)
    local numAsString = tostring(num)
    local numsBeforeDecimals = numAsString:find(".")-1 or numAsString:len()

    -- 1000 has 4, 1000000 has 7 and 1000000000 has 10 numbers before the decimals.
    -- By reducing 1 from that, we get a number that can be used
    -- to calculate which letter will be in the end (couldn't figure out a proper mame for the variable)
    local minus1 = numsBeforeDecimals-1
    local exp = minus1-minus1%3
    local ending = endings[exp/3]
    local text = num/10^exp .. ending
    dady.Text = text
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Spoon feeding him the code isn’t going to help him learn.

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What do you mean ? I made a code that shows player’s coins and I tried to make converting of numbers

I was actually working on something like this a little while ago, I went to the developer forums for help and got this script: (I created an explanation for a few things as well, I encourage you to read my explanations to understand the script better)

local log10 = math.log10 
math.log10 finds the amount of 0s in a number
for example: math.log10(10) = 1
If you did a number like 12, you'd get a very long decimal at the end
that's where math.floor comes in
local floor = math.floor
math.floor rounds numbers down
for example: math.floor(2.898723945) = 2
which also means
math.floor(math.log10(13)) = 1
local min = math.min
math.min finds the lowest value in a set of numbers
for example: math.min(1,3) = 1
which also means
math.min(3,1) = 1

local abbreviations = {"K","M","B","T"}
The table above is a list of abbreviations (K,M,B,T)
Makes sure you're making this table in order
You wouldn't do: {"K","B","M"}
because millions come before billions

function format(n) --The parameter "n" in this case is the number we're abbreviating
	local b = min(floor(log10(n) / 3), #abbreviations) 
The line above finds the create abbreviation for "n" if there is one on the "abbreviations" table
I did log10(n)/3 because each of the indexes on the abbreviations table are 3 numbers apart
What do I mean by this?
The difference between the length of floor(log10(1000)) and floor(log10(1000000)) is 3
	local abbr = abbreviations[b]
The line above finds the abbreviation needed (or nil) in the abbreviations table
	if abbr then
If the number doesn't need to be abbreviated then we return the number as is
		return tostring(n)
However if the number does have to be abbreviated the following will happen
	local s = ("%.2f%s"):format(n / (1000^b), abbr):gsub("%.00","")
The line abbreviates the number in such a way that
1000 = 1K
1250 = 1.25K
1200 = 1.2K
	local x = s:find("%..0")
	if x then
		s = s:sub(1,x+1)
	return s
Returns the abbreviated number

If you want to convert your text you could do something like this: (just an example)

local label = script.Parent

I’d like to add that this wouldn’t be possible without the help I received from @bytechan and @Ninja_Deer

The post I made asking for help on the same issue is below:


Thank you very much ! I will try to do something with this information!

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Try putting this inside of a textlabel:

while wait() do

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local number =  player.leaderstats.Coins.Value -- change this to your currency

local abbriviation = {
    K = 4, -- Thousand
    M = 7, -- Million
    B = 10, -- Billion
    T = 13, -- Trillion
    Qa = 16, -- Quadrillion
    Qi = 19, -- Quintillion
    SI = 22, -- Sextillion
    SP = 25, -- Septillion
    Oc = 28, -- Octillion
    N = 31, -- Nonillion
    DC = 34 -- Decillion+

local text = tostring(math.floor(number))

local chosenAbbriviation

for abbriviation, digits in pairs(abbriviation) do
	if #text >= digits and #text < (digits + 3) then
		chosenAbbriviation = abbriviation

if chosenAbbriviation then
	local digits = abbriviation[chosenAbbriviation]
	local rounded = math.floor(number / 10 ^ (digits - 2)) * 10 ^ (digits - 2)
	text = string.format("%.1f", rounded / 10 ^ (digits - 1)) .. chosenAbbriviation
	text = number

script.Parent.Text = text


This was from this tutorial:

Hope this helped!