When I attempt to edit NumberSequence properties like Transparency and Size in ParticleEmitters it works for a while but if I select other properties after closing the NumberSequence editor the value gets reset to what it was previously. This only happens when you are changing it from a number to sequence for example if previously the value was just a fixed number and now you try to make it a sequence. I found a solution that allows me to edit them what I do is after editing the NumberSequence I select some other object and click on one of its properties that way It allows me to edit other properties on particle emitter without resetting the NumberSequence
Steps to get to the bug:
- Go to a NumberSequence property
- Edit it
This is what it looks like after editing
Now from here on if you click some other property in the same object the Size will reset
If you don’t click another property in the same object but instead go to some other object and click a property when you look back at your particle emitter it’s saved
My friend has also tried to do this and seems like the same bug occurs in his studio