Obby Help! I need to get autosave system

Hello there, I really need help of making obby. I was never able to make a obby with autosave. Example: When you leave you will spawn on the same checkpoint. Can anyone help me giving a video or something.

I’m new to scripting so I need help.

I’m looking for it over a year now. Its quite long yeah.

Try this and see if it works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibpdHIFV_XE


Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub could help you as well

I’m not sure what I did wrong, but it didn’t work for me at all, maybe because its outdated?

I would recommend using the DataStores2 module because its much easier to use than regular data stores. Use this to save the stage, and then when a player joins just bring the player to the correct stage checkpoint.

while true loop with regular saving and a wait