Obby with difficulties Data Saving

  1. What do you want to achieve? Save the players data

  2. What is the issue? I dont know how to save and load data inside my obby since it has different difficulties and multiple stage values (easyStage, mediumStage, …)

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I watched a youtube video which is about data saves in obbies
    ObbyWsavingsystem.rbxl (135,9 KB)

Hello Developers,
I am kinda new to data saving and tbh i am also new in scripting itself. Today, I wanted to create a data save system for my Obby i’ve been working on which wouldnt be a problem to me if it would be a normal obby. But I have lots of difficulties in my obby (I shared a file of my game) and i dont have a clue how to save and load it. I would be really happy if anyone could help me with that. If you want to have a look, my script for data saving is in ServerScriptService.PlayerDataHandler.playerDataTracker.

I dont run into any errors but the loading part wont work (I ignored the Mode Selection Gui that should only appear for new players till now since it should be easy to fix).

If you could have a look at my game, you would really made my day. Thanks for your time!

  • BLX
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If I we’re you, I would first look into ProfileService, It’ll make your code A LOT more organized and reliable, although this is just a recommendation.

I would recommend having a list (either writing it out by hand or use GetChildren()) for the easy, hard, etc. levels, and give them a number (from easiest to hardest), and remove the “Completed Modes” folder all together. Then, whenever one of the checkpoints are touched, detect who touched it (you can optionally check if the player skipped a stage, although this may be annoying if people forgot to touch the checkpoint), and save the level to a leaderstats value (or just any value), and when the player leaves. Then, when the player joins, load that value (this would be something like “34”), and then search the list of checkpoints for that number, and then teleport them there.

Sorry if this is kind of worded weird, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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So what you mean is to basically replace the difficultiy values which are currently strings with numbers and then combine these numbers with the checkpoint numbers so every checkpoint has a unique name? That’s how I understood it my English isn’t that good.

I will definitely have a look at profileService since I know that my scripts are totally unorganized hehe. Thanks for that. Also thank you for your time looking at my game. I appreciate it!