Object not following player HumanoidRootPart

Uh you actually can but it’s with Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame or PVInstance:PivotTo

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ye but not with model.cframe like he is trying to do

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i mean, i didn’t this with models, only parts but do this

I’m all good. Its hard for me to code and keep up with it all. I just converted it back to normal. Plus, I’m ok with the way it is.

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Why are you giving up? it’s not that hard Imao

Never give up :slightly_frowning_face:

Its all good I was following this on a YouTube tutorial. Actually, would it help If I shows you guys? He starts coding at 7:00. If you want to you can watch from the beginning just giving you the time he starts coding incase you don’t need to watch the whole thing.