Objects not going transparent when they should

I have been trying to make certain GFX’s, and when things are supposed to be transparent, or have texture, they show up us gray or white. Why is this? examples down below

Roblox Studio:


And yes, I have searched for the answer. If there are any links or videos that would help, please post them in the comments.

Thanks! :smile:

I believe that this property has to be turned on:
You can find that on the top right corner.

Even when rendering it doesnt show up with its texture.

have you checked the node editor?

Yeah, it just turns the floor black. When I assign it the texture from there, it makes the floor look like a liquified gray and white picture.

Roblox’s textures don’t import in. You have to do the textures yourself inside blender.

If you want roblox texture as @TotallyTrustful said

I suggest check out this post All Roblox Part Textures (PRE JUNE 2021)

Thanks! This helped a lot. I’ll make sure to use this next time.

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