Woah, this update is amazing!!!
I use a pretty low performance computer, so this is quite the early Christmas gift for me :D
So i don’t have to do anything lol?
major props to you guys, love this feature finally being on the client. is there any chance we could get some sort of toggle or keybind for seeing wireframe view on the client? (not just in studio)
Hell naw, this would let people see through walls. I’m fine with it if it’s in your own game.
When something Roblox related is in Beta, you never truly know when it’ll actually release…
Although the roll outs have been banging lately
At last, it’s finally here… The moment Roblox changed forever… Though it’s a real shame that avatars aren’t occluded, constantly moving parts are a huge source of performance problems, so hopefully this gets solved in the future.
Very nice, will definitely help those with weak devices.
It won’t help a top-down game as much, since those are like arenas.
It all depends on how much stuff is hidden. If you have buildings with interiors, then it can help a lot with removing those interiors, even for a top-down view. But if your content has already eliminated everything that can’t be seen from the camera, then there’s little more that occlusion culling can do to help.
But the artists removing hidden stuff can only be more efficient on the client than the client itself removing hidden stuff! Occluded stuff still uses just as much memory and some time (albeit way less). Stuff that you don’t put into the place at all is completely free!
Occlusion culling shines when you have lots of stuff that is visible from some views but not visible from most views. This is when you can’t just optimize the content.
I’m very excited for this! And the timing is perfect for our games new large city map in Style Stars!
What a fantastic update.
Looking forward to testing it
I have thought about this for weeks on end, and thought I would need to script it manually myself, but I didnt know Occlusion Culling was an actual feature.
Thank you Roblox.
Awesome! I’m really looking forward to seeing the effects this has on my experience playing Roblox. Thanks for such a good update!
I expected it to take months for major features like these to exit beta, but man, around a month and its already live.
That was pretty fast, even though it doesnt fully cover everything.
We are aware of how important it is to occlude avatars. What we have working shows benefits already, so we wanted to get it into your hands sooner rather than later!
The occlusion culling system is fully dynamic. It doesn’t care whether parts are in the same place from one frame to the next. Moving cars, opening doors, and static buildings are all on equal footing in the occlusion culling code. (Unless they’re a type of geometry that cannot yet occlude.)
This is actually very important! Many occlusion culling algorithms are frame delayed, meaning they decide whether something is visible this frame based on whether it was visible last frame. Those algorithms can cull incorrectly, especially when something moves a lot on the screen. This can be something fast moving, or even something slowly moving but really close to you… including when you open a door or step around a corner! This frame delay is usually fine, but occasionally it causes pops. Our system is fully dynamic with no frame delay, so this problem cannot happen in Roblox.
I am happy to be here for this moment
I was here
This is awesome. thank you roblox team very cool
Orc voice: “The Age of Lag is over! The time of the Cull has come!”
I look forward to when this is expanded for mobile devices. My community can stop alienating 3/4ths of its potential visitors, because our city is too massive for anything but a desktop PC.
Cannot wait for this to be enabled on mobile, gonna be a game changer for sure