Odd roblox selection

for some reason My roblox selection system got changed to something odd and different, here is the video,

robloxapp-20240919-2148533.wmv (1.8 MB)

This is a new feature ROBLOX is implementing that improves the current Dragger QoL.

You can disable this by heading to the Beta Features, then disabling Dragger QoL Improvements, but this will be forced in the future.

I advise NOT disabling this Beta Feature and instead get accustomed to it. I have this feature enabled, and it actually helps me symmetrize 3D objects.


i enable some of these tool-changing features when you can enable, like next gen ui, dragger qol, so i can get used to this (now i cant live without dragger qol ;-:wink: and not destroy my workflow when this releases

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Here’s the link that explains the new draggers:
Dragger QoL Improvements Enabled by Default