Official CVRF Gameplay Guide

Hello! If you’re looking for detailed information on some of CVRF’s gameplay systems that might have you stuck or confused, you’ve come to the right place. This page will provide information on a variety of systems such as the command system, fires, private server panel, etc. This guide will not go over the facility layout, labs, etc. Explore the facility to get an idea of the layout and location of significant areas, and use signage placed around the map.
If you have something you think I should cover here, please tell me!

Warning: Lots of text ahead!

CVRF Gameplay Guide - Updated March 22nd, 2022

There are currently 9 topics:
Enemies & Lifeforms (headcrabs, anomalies)
Facility Systems (alarms, pneumatic doors, lockdown doors, etc)
Private Server Panel
Command System & Related Features
Experimental/Misc Features (placement system, global chat)
Currency, Achievements, and Stats
Roles & Reputation
Music Asset Reference


Enemies & Lifeforms

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In CVRF, there are currently two different enemies that are capable of spawning. Headcrabs are the first of the two, and are the most common. The Headcrab Parasitology Lab in the east hall has a containment area for them, in fact. They are potentially dangerous if not handled properly. Headcrabs can roam around and attach themselves to the head of players, eventually killing them. Due to this, a containment airlock is present in the lab that prevents headcrabs from escaping the chamber unintentionally.
If a headcrab attaches itself to someone, the best way to get it off is to hit it with a crowbar (although you risk inflicting damage on the player as well - this is not a good idea if they are low health). In many cases, it may be better to simply accept your fate.

Anomalies are the second, which take the form of a red ball of energy. They are very rare and only have a 0.5-1% chance of spawning naturally (but this may change, for example during a Halloween event). If the anomaly spawns, you will notice a portal appear over the spot they died in. Roughly 2 seconds after the appearance of the portal, an anomaly will spawn in its place. These ‘creatures’ emit red arcs of energy and are known to disrupt ceiling lights around them. If one is to latch onto a player (similar to headcrabs), the player as well as the anomaly will most likely die. It is much more difficult to kill an anomaly that is latched but not kill the player as well.
You can spawn anomalies through commands if you have permission:
;spawn anomaly (player)

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Certain rooms are capable of being lit on fire by players. The way you can tell if a room is flammable is if it contains fire alarms (and potentially other firefighting equipment, like wall hose hookups). Fires are simulated in CVRF through a fire node system, with each node representing either the ground or a piece of furniture/an item in the room.

You can ignite something using the blowtorch tool, which is currently placed in two locations: The Z-Pinch lab, and the Safety Dept. lobby. Clicking on the handle of one of these will give you the tool. With the tool equipped, clicking and holding down on a node will slowly increase its heat value and will ignite if its heat passes its predetermined ignition point. The ignition point of environment nodes (the ground/carpet/etc) is much higher than normal furniture/item nodes, and the size of the node matters as well. If you want to start a fire as quickly as possible, choose a piece of furniture.
You can also ignite a fire with the ;ignite command.

To extinguish a fire, you can use fire extinguishers. There are standard fire extinguishers placed throughout the facility which work well if a fire is first starting, but are not effective if the heat of a fire has grown too much or it has spread too far. In this case, you will want to use an HE fire extinguisher which exists inside yellow colored fire extinguisher boxes. These boxes are present in the Safety Dept. demonstration area and the Security Dept. In the future, Safety Dept. members will be able to use fire hoses hooked to wall connections that allow them to put out fires much faster.
You can also extinguish fires with the ;extinguish command, or extinguish all fires in the game with ;extinguishall.

In the Emergency Management Office (accessible from the Safety Dept. lobby, behind the reception desk), there is an annunciator panel that illuminates to indicate the location of any active fires.

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Facility Systems

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CVRF has a variety of facility-wide systems and infrastructure. This includes globally controllable light fixtures, emergency and fire alarms, pneumatic door systems, and lockdown/blast doors.

  • The lighting system is fairly straightforward, it illuminates things. Lighting adjusts to the facility’s power level, which although currently unscripted, can be manipulated by admins/private server owners (see below).
  • There are two types of alarms in CVRF at the moment: the general emergency beacons, and fire alarms. Emergency beacons are facility-wide alarms that are triggered in the event of a major emergency that requires immediate attention or evacuation. Fire alarms are triggered by the presence of fire in the same room as them and turn off once there is no more fire in said room. There is no way to manually toggle fire alarms at the moment, so you’ll have to set something on fire to turn them on.
  • Doors in CVRF are mostly electrically controlled pneumatic doors. Glass doors are automatic and motion detected, while opaque doors are controlled by a button panel (although you can also just click the door itself to open it). Fun fact: You can open button-operated pneumatic doors by repeatedly smashing the panel with a crowbar.
  • Lockdown/Blast Doors are in place to isolate sections of the facility in the event of an emergency. Members of the group are also able to use lockdown override switches, which temporarily lifts said lockdown door for 5 seconds before closing down again. This allows authorized players to move around the facility.

All facility systems above can be controlled through the private server panel or through the following commands (if you have permission):
;gv powerLevel (0-100)
;alarms (enabled) (silenced/optional) (area/optional)
;gv doors (on/off)
;lockdown (enabled) (area/optional)

Certain game events can be triggered with the ;event command. A list of available events can be viewed with ;event list.

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Private Server Panel

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The private server panel allows the owner of a private server (and users they authorize) to modify certain gameplay systems and scenarios. It is accessible on your private server by pressing the V key on your keyboard, or by using the panel button on the top right of your screen (besides the menu icon, button with 2 cogs). You can use the “Access” tab of the panel to add or remove users from the panel access list. This saves, but only applies to your private server.
There are 3 categories to the private server panel at the moment: gameplay, facility, and fun.

  • Gameplay is where you can modify global gameplay settings, such as toggling if headcrabs spawn or turning on the placement system.
  • Facility is where you can manipulate the facility/infrastructure systems, like turning the alarms on or lowering the lockdown doors.
  • Fun is where you can mess with fun options that may stray from normal gameplay but can be fun to mess with. Stuff like scrambling the audio, faster jeeps, and hardcore mode are present here.

Each panel option should have a description of what it does, so you should look through that if you want to learn more about specific functions.

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Command System

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CVRF uses an in-house admin command system that is built into the game. Owners of private servers have access to most commands and can give or take others’ permissions to use commands in said server with ;admin and ;unadmin.

In-game, you can run ;help or ;cmds to view a listing of all commands. You can search for a command and it will come up if the name or any aliases match your search. Hover over a command name to view more details. If you already know the command you’re looking for and just want to view that specific command’s information (aliases, description, arguments, etc) just run ;help (command name).

At the top of the help menu, there are two tabs. By default, the menu is on the command list, but switching to the “arguments” tab will show you how to correctly input each argument type. Arguments are generally quite flexible. Here’s how they work:

  • Color input:
    • Using RGB values:
      • From 0 to 1, for example: 0.5,0.75,0
      • From 0 to 255, for example: 127,191,0
    • Using hex values:
      • Standard six-character format, for example #7FBF00
      • Using a shorter three-character format, for example #AD0
  • Text
    • Only 1 character: Input normally, e.g. ;newteam raiders
    • More than 1 character: Use quotes, e.g. ;m “Event starting in 15 seconds.”
  • Toggle/boolean input (no quotes needed):
    • “true” or “false”
    • “on” or “off”
    • “yes” or “no”
  • Player input
    • Single username (partial results accepted, such as ‘Pla’ instead of ‘Player1’)
    • Comma-separated list of usernames (‘Player1,Player2,Player3’)
    • Percentage value (‘50%’, ‘22%’, etc)
    • Text flags (“all”, “me”, “others”)
    • Specific team with t:<team name>, for example t:Raiders or t:”Cool People”

You can also string together multiple commands using the | character! For example:
;cm "Oops, everyone's dead!" | ;kill all

Command Blocks

There is also an experimental system called command blocks that allow you to write a sequence of commands to execute. You can use this feature by running ;blockeditor. Command blocks can be written using commands, with each new command being in a new line. There are three non-command functions you can use as well, goto, wait, and breakif. Goto will move to whatever line is specified, and wait will wait for the given number of seconds. Here’s a very basic example:

1 |   ;cm “A second has passed.”
2 |   wait 1
3 |   goto 1

Running this in the block editor will print “A second has passed.”, wait 1 second, and then jump back to line 1. So, all together, this command block will print “A second has passed.” every second in a loop until you stop it.

breakif halts execution of the block if a certain variable matches the condition. A basic variable system is currently functional, and the only condition that works with this function is == for now. Here’s an example:

1 |   value = 0
2 |   
3 |   ;cm "value is ${value}"
4 |   breakif ${value} == 10
5 |   
6 |   value = ${value} + 1
7 |   wait 0.5
8 |   
9 |   goto 3

The above block will display “value is (value)” 11 times, incrementing from 0 to 10, before stopping.

In the future, there are plans to add more advanced variables, more conditional statements, and the ability to track multiple blocks at once.


You can also assign commands to be run when a certain game event is fired. As of 0.14.1, there is only one event to hook to, PlayerDied, but this will change in the future.

To hook an event, use the ;hook command. The first argument is the name of the event, second is the name of the hook itself (used when deleting an existing hook), and third is the command to execute. In your command you want to execute, in any instance where the player’s name is required, insert <*>. This is the flag where the affected player’s name is inserted into the command. So, for example, if you want to refresh a player in-place every time they die:
;hook PlayerDied autoRefresh ";re <*>"

And to delete an existing hook, provide the event name and hook name:
;delhook PlayerDied autoRefresh

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Experimental/Misc Features

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Placement System
This is an experimental way to place props around the map. Those with access to the private server panel can enable/disable it in the Gameplay category.When enabled, a question mark icon at the bottom right of the screen will appear for all users. Clicking this button will bring up a prompt for help on the placement system (mostly keybinds). Read this prompt for info on how to This system only supports desktop users at the moment, and is very much a work in progress.
If you want to save what you’ve done and load it back later, you’re looking for the snapshot system which can be accessed (if authorized) by the download icon on the bottom right that appeared when the placement system was enabled. This will bring up a snapshot menu where you can save up to 3 snapshots and load them. You can also load others’ snapshots if they give you the snapshot code (6 digit code, in the format of something like 000-000).

Global Chat
When you join, you should see a “Global” tab in your chat. All chat messages in this channel are synced across all active CVRF servers (although not between the dev and release branches). Because of this, global chat allows you to communicate with others who are playing CVRF but aren’t in the same server as you.

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Currency, Achievements, and Stats

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Although these systems are still in their infancy and don’t serve any useful function yet, they will in the future, so why not mention them? All of the following systems can be viewed by going into the main menu and selecting “Profile”.

  • Currency is still being discussed internally, but what is decided so far is that you will earn money by playing the game and will be able to spend it on cosmetic items and personal, non-gameplay items. This includes: special clothing, furniture items for living quarters/personal labs (if this ever becomes a feature), and cosmetic tool items (clipboard, mop, etc). Whether or not gameplay oriented purchases will be possible (like buying weapons while in the security dept.) is fully dependent on if we want to monetize the currency system or not, which is still being discussed (although a good take-away: there will never be a scenario where people can pay to have a legitimate gameplay advantage over someone else, like buying a rank or better weapon).

  • The achievements system involves a set of goals the user can attain to get a monetary reward and badge. A list of achievements is accessible both in the badges section of the game page and in-game in the User Profile.

  • Stats are just little tidbits of information about the time you have spent playing the game. This includes the total number of servers joined, playtime, and some facility stats like doors opened and panic switches pulled. More stats will be added to this as development progresses.


Music Asset Reference

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The following is a list of all frequently requested music/ambient assets used in CVRF.

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Roles & Reputation

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There are currently 7 roles available, with varying obligations and requirements. The role system is not used to its full potential yet (as of 0.15), but more role-specific tasks, benefits, and restrictions will be implemented in the future. Each are described below:

  • Visitor - The default role, not really tasked with anything in specific. This role is accessible at any reputation level and is the role all players are given when they first play the game.
  • Maintenance - Ensure the stable and smooth operation of the facility by performing upkeep/maintenance tasks and fulfilling shipments.
  • Scientist - Execute the primary function of the CVRF, scientific research and discovery, by carrying out laboratory experiments and documenting your findings.
  • Administration - Manage logistics and communication, working closely with the overseer to coordinate smooth operation with the facility and proper collaboration between personnel.
  • Safety - Ensure the health and safety of facility personnel by performing medical and firefighting tasks when the need arises.
  • Security - Uphold the rules and pursue/detain bad actors. Held to a high standard, this role is the only one that will include an individual hierarchy and policy that must be followed.
  • Overseer - The site operator, responsible for the complete operation of the facility. Issues directives and instructions to security/administrative personnel and manages communication with third parties (such as coordinating incoming material shipments).

In-game, you are able to see each role’s required minimum reputation and hourly payout through the role selection window (accessible from the menu).


The reputation system is what ensures abuse is kept to a minimum (as much as it realistically can) and personnel follow their intended role objectives. It is a number scale from -100 to +100, and is affected by a variety of actions. For example: Harming players with crowbars will quickly decrease reputation, while successfully conducting experiments will increase it. This system is also not fully implemented as of 0.15, but some effects have been set up (such as crowbars, the Z-Pinch lab, and falling into the waste silos).

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