Official Roblox Storybook plugin I didn't install?

Not actually useful to you.

You will not be able to use the components in it because even if you strip out the easier to remove internal things like fast flag references, many components depend on the engine styling system which has not been publicly released yet.


What’s the ETA on a beta for that? I know last time I used it with FFlags it had its own quirks, but it was definitely an interesting tool to use.

The reason it’s taking a while is that it had to be re-architected thanks to perf issues. That’s mostly been done now, don’t know the final ETA though.


That’s the streaming enabled debug menu, which has always been accessible for debugging.

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Those actions are there on all production builds.

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It is very useful to me, to browse around. There’s just one complain.


I don’t know where these Packages, e.g. “React” are packaged at. But if every plugin has a clone of React… then idk…

I want to imagine and see them being all at a unified location, so that even regular Plugin Creators can use those Packages without RobloxSecurity needs? :person_shrugging:


And the AppChat storybook enabled on its own :/

That’s on me, I guess. That plugin was always there… I am not really sure why though, do other plugins use that .rbxm file, e.g. the packages? or not?

You’ll find them all the developer usable packages available on Wally if you search “jsdotlua”:


Oh I meant, what locations the built-in Studio Plugins request. Where do the built-in Plugins take the packages from on my local device. Which Folder Path does it access, or are all the Packages included within every built-in Plugin, separately?


Keep in mind these are used by CoreUI’s only, If you wanna use them install them from Wally

Yes, but the built-in Plugin’s code. I wonder how the require code looks like that accesses these Packages.


Which would mean that every built-in Plugin copy pastes React, so there are duplicate copies of React in all of the built-in Plugins?

There are. Known issue that we need to solve eventually.

Though at least right now we’re not yet at the point where it’s a problematic amount of duplication. Recall that a single texture takes 4MB of memory. Multiple copies of the code being loaded typically isn’t a memory bottleneck.


Is there a way to reset or disable it?
After I saw it I checked it out, and now everytime I join studio I get multiple warnings in the Output stating that “UIBlox has already been configured”, it’s not a big issue but its kinda annoying.


Yeah same it’s really annoying. I hope it doesn’t alter anything in game or something without me knowing.

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Figured out how to fix it.

You need to reinstall Roblox Studio or Roblox AND delete the Roblox folder located in %localappdata%.


So I’m still confused on what this plugin is going to be used for. Is it for debugging or UI?

is there easier way to remove this plugin, which does not involve wiping out my whole Roblox folder (with configurations, etc.)?