Official Game Dev Life Full Changelog v3.6.8

Official Game Dev Life Full Changelog:

FULL Changelog


30th June V1.0.0
-Public Alpha Release

3rd July V1.1.0
-New buildings in the map
-Profit boosters

4th July V1.2.0
-July the 4th Update - America PC + America Laptop Skin
-New skins

6th July V1.3.0
-Gamepasses - VIP Developer, Premium Developer, Elite Developer,
-Dev Lounge

8th July V1.3.1
-Added sports car
-Fixed staff loading invisible bug

10th July V1.3.2
-New items (sofa, filing cabinet)
-New office lights
-Clicking on crate now gives reminder

14th July V1.4.0
-Cars Added!

17th July V1.4.1
-Car Fixes
-Car flying bug fixed
-Cancollidable car
-Fixed suspension
-Max speed for turning
-Despawning cars

20th July V1.4.2
-Added apartments building to the map
-Added garage and factory to the map
-Name and image of your character now show outside your office
-More apartments
-Game reminds you if you make the same game twice

22nd July V1.4.3
-Character now shows on sign if you don’t have a logo equipped

25th July V1.4.4
-Release game button “hitbox” fixed
-Warning for making the same game twice
-Tunnel hitbox for cars should be better
-Added car park next to dev lounge (and new sign)
-Minor text fix on research gui
-Car sounds stop when you jump out
-Cars can now no longer drive on the river
-Fixed bug where you couldn’t click models after moving
-Cars getting stuck under the large conveyor sorted!
-Added car park next to the mall
-Fixed bug where you couldn’t click models after moving them
-Updated vehicle sounds
-Fixed “invisible employee” for the microphone!
-New saving code to fix the “models loading outside” bug!
-Game names are now displayed on games in the mall!

27th July V1.4.5
-Isabell now has a seat
-Researchers’ head fixed

1st August V1.4.6
-Added car park next to the mall
-New vehicle sounds live
-Casino area added

9th August V1.4.7
-Invisible employee at the microphone is fixed

14th August V1.5.0
-New saving is live!

16th August V1.5.1
-Games will now have the name on them
-Writing and drawing desks replace the old ones

17th August V1.6.0
-Double XP birthday event released!
-Cake PC + Cake Laptop Skin

20th August V1.6.1
-Double XP birthday event finished!

25th August V1.6.2
-Login bonuses fixed

27th August V1.7.0
-The vault update goes live!
-Includes PPC 6 and Vault

28th August V1.7.1
-New buildings added (in modern area)
-Decreased loading times

31st August V1.7.2
-Added commas to the desk menu

2nd September V1.7.3
-Increased office upgrade prices
-Fixed bug where online players/total players aren’t shown on the game summary

8th September V1.8.0
-Car painting and game colours live!

25th September V1.8.1
-New crate behaviour

12th October V1.8.2
-Fixed research area unable to be clicked

22nd October V1.8.3
Bug fixes:
-Fixed microphone hitbox
-Fixed QATester hitbox
-Fixed pricing issue
-Updated logo in-game

4th December V1.9.0
‘Game Dev December’
-Gifts around the map
Twitter codes or Double XP Everyday advent calendar


17th Jan V1.9.1
-Feet don’t touch the keyboard

15th March V1.9.2
-Fixed bug where the investor wouldn’t appear on rejoin
-Fixed small hole in the dev lounge

19th March V1.9.3
-Fixed the server message from spamming

28th March V1.9.4
-Smooth camera for car purchasing releasead

9th April V1.9.5
-Fixed server placement

16th July 2018 V1.9.5
-Fixed saving code - levels of “Quality Models” now save and load correctly

28th September 2018 V2.0.1
-Game Changer update!! List of new features and bug fixes too long - please refer to this link: Game Dev Life 'Game Changer' Update [September] [V2.0.1] - #2

6 October 2018 V2.0.2
-Microphone hitbox fixed
-Version updated to be correct on the changelog UI
-Fixed out-of-place comma in the game edit menu
-Fixed premium laptop setup “Off the chart” bug
-3 new decoration models in the shop!
-Fixed bitz page bug when reopening the shop

15 October 2018 V2.0.3
-Fixed staff point error bug
-Polished and completely revamped restocking gui
-Backend changes/fixes + preparation for updates coming soon…!

28 October 2018 V2.1.0
-Trails have been added!!
-R15 has been added!
-Bug fixes (including premium crate fix)
-Formula changes

6 November 2018 V2.1.2
-+20% XP Event!

21 December 2018 V2.2.0
-2 New trails!
-NEW wall items!! Clock, Christmas Lights, Shelves!
-NEW decoration! Christmas tree!
-Winter Quest! Find presents around the map and combine them with ‘Dev Dust’ from developing games to make santa gifts. Deliver these to NPC’s around the map
for prizes!
-Green snowflake and candy cane computer skins! Collect presents around the map to exchange for these!
-Global leaderboads! Top 100 will recieve a bonus prize at the end of the event!
-Backend code changes
-New reviwers!
-New Bitz deals!
-The classic Christmas music is back!
-Wintery map! Snow!
-Live player counter in the map by the offices!
-New City buildings!
-Memory optimisation; quicker loading times!
-Video: 🎮 [WINTER UPDATE!❄️] Game Dev Life V2.2.0 - YouTube


1 January 2019 V 2.2.2
-Press F to enter vehicles! No more issues with exiting/entering vehicles anymore!
-Standard SUV acceleration increased

3 February 2019 V2.2.8

-Winter update removed and prizes awarded!
-Added flashing frames for tutorial
-NEW! Door Lock; allow everyone, no one or just your friends into your office!
-Vacation price lowered and effect increased
-Fixed the tutorial map fly around
-More reviews and reviewers added
-Contract renewing and vacation button now flash when you need to press them
-Added tips to the loading screen
-Backend code changes
-PPC7! 4 new items to unlock! Dance Floor, Whiteboard, Premium setup and Mixing Desk!
-NEW topics to research! Sci-Fi and Airplane!
-New topic icons in the topic selection screen!
-Bug where hiring another employee would leave you unable to finish tutorial is now Fixed!
-You can now move models/desks without firing your employees!
-Staff stats and prices adjusted

12 March 2019 V 2.3.1
-Patched exploits
-Fixed the ability to bug where you could walk through items after moving them
-Memory/loading optimisations and improvments - there should be minimal lag when loading!
-Updated UI
-Ability to place crates nicely into pickups
-Server size increased to 5 players!
-Automatic doors shouldn’t lag when you first join and will open instantly!
-NEW! Digital clock decoration
-Fixed plant images in the shop
-Fixed bug where holding crates and purchasing vehicles at the dealership meant the crate was left in the air

28 May 2019 V 2.4.2
-Skip crate opening animation!
-New icon displayed when items need repairing!
-New sign above office door!
-NEW! Chat tags! VIP, Elite and Premium!
-New topic icons!
-NEW! Office interior and exterior wall painting!
-NEW! Rename your game development business! Displays above office entrance!
-NEW! Office signs to choose from!
-Fixed alignment of shop/config button popups on smaller screens
-Fixed scaling of loading screen
-Improved loading times and optimised memory
-General bug fixes
-Clicking crate in crate shop now opens inventory (opening crates should be less confusing!)
-Fixed plant hitbox (no longer able to place in the ceiling!!)
-New! Items in the shop now display which PPC they are unlocked at!
-New! You can now cancel moving an item and it will go back to its original position!
-Fixed saving bug
-PPC displayed on computer screen
-Exploit fixes (Game on sale and name of game + HIRING PEOPLE AND GETTING STREAKS)
-2 NEW topics! Life and Airplane!
-Fixed bugged upgrade menu for models
-Fixed Catherine’s hair

3 September 2019 V 2.5.1
-Reduced sports car turning speed to reduce loss of control
-Reduced delay when hiring staff
-Fixed sign bugs
-Updated SUV model
-+1 Increase in the capacity of the punching bag
-Fixed business name taking away 100 bitz unnecessarily
-Fixed bug with employees not producing as much points in phases 2 and 3
-NEW! Wall behind Isabell now shows when employees need their contracts renewing!
-New HD lighting (Shadowmap technology)!
-The game now announces new games released!
-Bitz to speed up research

21 December 2019 V2.6.3
-NEW kitchen items and christmas items in the shop!
-WINTER event! Collect and deliver presents to win prizes and move up the leaderboard!
-Bug fixes
-NEW Limited Availability executive car!
-Improved loading screen
-NEW limited edition ‘Origins’ crate - now with trails!! (New crate system)
-Improved camera control script

25 January 2020 V2.6.4
-Improved tutorial
-Fixed issue with phase sliders
-Fixed multiple crate spawning bug

19th February 2020 V2.6.5
-Placement bug fixes
-Pricing fixes
-Small UI improvements

21st March 2020 V2.6.8
-Fixed UI modal bugs
-Premium topics! (BATTLE ROYALE!)

28th March 2020 V2.6.9
Note: This was more of an improvement/maintenance update for future features!
-Fixed scrollingframe bug where the mouse would get stuck in first person
-Massively reduced memory usage (game now doesn’t crash as much on old devices)
-General bug fixes
-Fixed Premium Topic bug
-Refactored and improved old code ready for future updates
-Adjusted Bitz prices and gamepass descriptions

29th March 2020 patch - V2.6.9(.5)
-Fixed server shutdown/data bug
-Fixed flooring in office
-Other small bug fixes

11th April 2020 V2.7.3
-6 Player Servers!!
-NEW Phone gamepass! Phone! 📱 - Roblox
-Sports car is now cheaper!
-Memory optimisations and improvements
-Bug fixes
-NEW Convertible car with passenger seats - only available in Elite gamepass!

25th April 2020 V2.8.2
-Level up UI improved - now shows unlocks!
-Fixed contract renewal bug
-NEW decorations! Flatscreen TV, Zig Zag Light and Notice board!
-Map improvements
-Model placer bug fixes!
-Crate flinging fix
-Repair icon not dissapearing is now fixed!

5th May 2020 V2.8.7
-13 New topics to research!
-New shop decorations including a Fridge, Food Table and Softbox light!
-Medium Crates for Level 15+!
-Improved crate system (coloured lines indicate crate size) + capacity increases per level
-Bug fixes

1st June 2020 V2.8.9
-Reduced research times
-Decreased price of research boosting with Bitz
-Happiness upgrade GUI
-Added PPC8 - New items (Camera, Arcade Machine, Canteen!)!
-Fixed review and rating variance
-Fixed bug where Investor occasionally didn’t appear first time
-Bug fixes and improvements
-Crate capacity now displayed at the factory

9th June 2020 V 2.8.9(.5)
-Fixed a few bugs
-Made staff ratings clearer

26th June 2020 V.2.9.4
-PLATFORMS!! You can now research different platforms and spend “Time Points” to use them in your games! Each model and employee has a certain number of Time Points.
-You can now change back to the original sign outside your office
-Fixed and improved model placer!
-Added new glass divider decorations!
-Reduced topic research times
-Balanced model upgrades and stats
-Reduced Bitz to Cash prices

29th June 2020 V2.9.4(.5)
-Fixed EPad research
-Fixed UI Overlap issues
-Improved vehicle stability
-Fixed sprinting
-Miscellanous bug fixes and improvements

15th July 2020 V2.9.6
-Scrap game feature!
-Fixed PPC upgrade requirements bug

13th September 2020 V2.9.9
-PPC9 + new decoration!
-Trophies! Achievement system
-Fixed various bugs
-Vehicle sounds when reversing
-Don’t need to press E when selling games anymore

3rd August 2021 V3.1.0
-Companies! (Soft launch)

7th October 2021 V3.2.1
-Bug fixes

  • Fixed some topics not display on the topic screen
  • Prevent exclusive staff from showing up on contract board/phone
  • Other UI issues fixed and improvements made

15th November 2021 V3.3.1
-Removed crates and replaced with DAILY shop!
-Addition of premium topics
-UI revamp
-Added audio and sfx
-Happiness model capacities increased
-Fixed bug where some staff weren’t appearing
-Elite gamepass price reduced
-Added some new bitz decorations! (LED ceiling light, LED wall light, and heavy metal wall!)

23rd November 2021 V3.3.3

  • You can now research “MintendoSwap” and “YBoxOneS” platforms!
  • Moved purchasable trails to the daily shop rotation
  • Other background changes for future updates
  • Bug fixes
  • Released six monitor setup! (Why not!)

15th December 2021 V3.3.8

  • Van vehicle released!
  • Got rid of arrow keys for restocking (There are still many users with 60% keyboards)
  • Monetisation changes including reduction in elite gamepass price, reduction in phone gamepass price, and extra perk for Premium Gamepass (Gold Research Area Skin and 20% faster researching times)
  • Various bug fixes
  • 3D Staff model images now display in the reception on scrollingframe
  • Some other UI changes and fixes
  • Christmas decorations re-added

17th December 2021

  • Public BETA release!

22nd, 27th December 2021 and 3rd January 2022 V3.3.9

  • Priority bug fixes and patches

18th January 2022 V3.4.0

  • Fixed bug where pre order crates held less stock than they should
  • Highlighted shop item rarities more and reduced prices of legendary trails/premium topics
  • UI improvements (Including company UI’s and changing genre/topic combo percentage into text)
  • Balancing improvements including weighting the total score more to prioritize importance of genre/topic combo more

4th/9th February 2022 V3.4.1

  • Company naming system changes + increased price to $25,000
  • Balancing changes for the game system
  • Fixed staff bug
  • Balancing changes, particularly for lower level players (Fans + Sales/Profit)
  • Improved office unlock and vehicle spawning UI
  • Increase office upgrade unlock prices for the third floor
  • Revamped extra settings page (Costs for multiplayer, online and early access now which scale with PPC)

4th March 2022 V3.4.3

  • New company season started!
  • Memory optimisation to improve performance on older devices (Maybe also preparing for mobile :thinking: in the future)
  • UI improvements
  • Research button on phone gamepass
  • Other work that isn’t released yet… :eyes:

18th March 2022 V3.4.4

  • Company Bot on discord to view the leaderboards!
  • Fixed bug where if you leave game with Release Game button visible and no preorders, you aren’t able to deliver anymore crates
  • Crate frame now correctly shows green or red arrow
  • Fixed bug where sitting down at PPC desk overlaps UI’s
  • Fixed “DevProcess” error
  • Fixed sprinting
  • Fixed platform selecting bug
  • Fixed office costs bug
  • As usual, lots of behind the scenes stuff that isn’t released yet :eyes:

8th April 2022 V3.4.5

  • Fixed PPC upgrade bug
  • Improved GameMenu UI and Fans UI (with popup!)
  • Improved company loading delays when accepting members
  • New lighting and skybox!
  • Fixed rounding issue when adding on extra game settings
  • Tutorial flythrough removed
  • Balancing changes and other bug fixes

22nd April 2022 V3.4.7

  • Increased loading speed for the game if you have a lot of employees!
  • New GPS navigation menu (with convertible lock option too)
  • New Trending genres! Random genres will go trending for a short amount of time and give you an extra 30% fans!
  • Contract renewal prices shown on staff menu
  • Gamepasses show if they have already been purchased in the shop
  • Fans billboard to flex in front of other players!
  • Other bug fixes and balancing changes

6th May V3.5.1

  • NEW Helicopter gamepass!
  • Doubled vault amounts and capacity!
  • Rebranded PPC to Game Dev PC
  • UI improvements and bug fixes
  • New vehicle speed bar
  • NEW Premium topics and cash topics to research!#

21st June V3.5.4

  • Game Dev PC 11 released! Treadmill, Photo Camera, Projector decoration and more!
  • MECHANICS! Unlocked at GDPC 5, these employees repair entertainment models for you!
  • Fixed stock bug

28th July V3.5.7

  • NEW delivery staff! Hire with cash and they’ll deliver stock for you!
  • Social Media! Post to earn hype which results in more sales!
  • Vacations decrease tiredness at a faster rate and prices have been adjusted
  • Other backend changes for future updates

2nd October V3.6.1

  • Converted prompts to official Roblox Proximity Prompts at factory
  • Updated UI’s + Upgrade Buttons
  • Hype balancing
  • You can now spawn 6 medium crates
  • Released truck vehicle (and garage) to buy from Level 15!
  • Company Season changes! (Individual tiered rewards)!

2nd March V3.6.5

  • Servers - upgrade your server room, hire engineers and buy servers!
  • NPC’s walking around the map
  • Fixed multiple bug
  • Progress bar improvements
  • Animation improvements
  • Converted crates to Proximity Prompts for future mobile compatibility and to keep the game up to date with current Roblox features

24th April V3.6.8

  • Upgrade menu! You can now easily see all the models you own which can be upgraded
  • Fixed console page not displaying platforms
  • Increased earnings/profit at the beginning of the game
  • Other big fuxes

Recent Updates:

  • V3.6.8 24th April 2023

Next Update:: V3.?.? May 2023

Game Link: 🎮Game Dev Life🕹️[Beta] - Roblox

Social Media:

Contact me @JJGeography on Twitter or PM me on Roblox:


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