On Console platforms, how can I differentiate between Xbox One and PS4 within scripts?

Title explains it all.

There’s a way to tell if a user is playing on console (e.g. UserInputService.GamepadEnabled or GuiService.IsTenFootInterface), but is there a way for me to check for which console platform a player of my experience is on within scripts? Doesn’t matter if it’s client or server side, I’m just looking for if there’s a method to tell since PS4 Dualshock controllers don’t have a “Y” button, they have a triangle button instead.

Workarounds and/or “tacky” methods would work fine for me as well.


I would be really interested to know the answer to this as well.

I found this solution here that may work. I never thought about the difference in buttons on each controller, I guess I always assumed roblox would just auto correct it in the sense that if I set it to an xbox button it would just pick the playstation equivalent or vise versa.