On Sale UGC Item Not In Catalog

I uploaded this item ( Cartoony Rainbow Chain - Roblox ) and despite it being approved and on sale it appears nowhere in the catalog

I intend to republish it this week as a new item so hopefully it shows up, but I’m concerned with this happening again. Not showing up in the catalog completely kills an items chance of being purchased (It’s for sale, but has 0 sales as a result of no one seeing it).

Expected behavior

The item should show up in recently created, or any other sort. It’s not even searchable

Page URL: https://www.roblox.com/catalog?Category=1&CreatorName=Reverse_Polarity&salesTypeFilter=1&SortType=3&IncludeNotForSale

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Thanks for the report. We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll keep you updated on progress!

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hi, thanks for reporting this issue. We have fixed this item for you, and our team is actively investigating how this happened. Please let us know if you run into this again in the future.

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Thanks you for fixing this. I’ll keep an eye out for it happening again.

Just curious for if or when I join the UGC program, does this happen often?

So far its only happened to me once

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So this continues to happen for some time after uploading layered clothing specifically. Currently I have this happening to my panda suit Panda Suit - Roblox

This same thing happened last week, but it appeared in recently created after about an hour. Still, an hour delay kills sales from the recently created sort :frowning:

as of 4:25PM PST it has appeared (after an hour)

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This is happening again with my new zombie body item https://twitter.com/ReverseRBLX/status/1705719789384356218

Marketplace accounts for 83% of my sales. Items going on sale but not displaying absolutely kill my sales and my chances in the algorithm. It’s unacceptable :frowning:

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@IittIehomie can you look into this please?

After 50 minutes its finally showing up, but the first hour is essential and it happens all the time with my items.

I’m not sure if this is related but it sounds like what I experienced earlier today.

When I uploaded animations for my game I noticed they weren’t playing so I went to check my inventory and they weren’t in there. Magically after an hour or so went by the animations appeared in my inventory and worked like normal.

Also I don’t know if this is worth noting but when I tried importing these animations in to a rig while they weren’t appearing in my inventory it acted as if I wasn’t the owner of the animations. I was just getting the “Asset is not trusted for this place” message. :frowning:

I hope this information helps engineers if this is related to the bug

(for clarification - I am talking about the profile inventory. These assets appeared in my “Development Assets” tab in the creator hub when they weren’t appearing in my inventory.)