I am looking to make a smoothplastic part that is transparent which is basic knowledge. It goes between a counter for staff and customers. However you won’t be able to zoom into the staff side, which I am trying to. It would act like any other non-transparent part.
(Before posting I checked, there were no other posts along the lines of this.)
Parts with a reflective property set to 1 with a transparency greater than 0 won’t be shown behind parts with a reflective property set to 0, texture set to glass, and transparency greater than 0.
So you’ll need two parts, the one that goes where the customers can see, and the one where the employees can see.
part1 = customer
part2 = staff
Make part1 have a reflective property of 1 and a transparency of 0.011. Also make sure the material is SmoothPlastic.
Make part2 have a reflective property of 0 and a transparency of whatever you want aslong as it is less than 1. Make sure it’s set to glass.
Voila! Line them up and you’re done, if you want to make it less obvious, add decals or textures!