Only resize a part on an axis?

I think that you actually didn’t understood this point:

What we are doing here is 1st we increase the size of the part to 0.05 then we movr it slightly backwards by 0.025 using CFrame so now we have a part that covers it with full size and Is also placed correctly,
There is more than 1 way i would suggest Trying this one

You just can see the link of Egomoose, its explaining the whole code. But thx for trying. I not need help with calculation, but help with sizing (you can search the place where i resize my wedges, on the bottom of my code).

I don’t think it’s possible, but I can still try. So the best way to understand the exact situation is to practically take my code and try it yourself. Let’s say a triangle has 3 vertexes (which is the case, otherwise it wouldn’t call itself triangle), now at point A, the triangle starts. There the point is now 0.025 studs too deep from the original position. Point B, that one is normal, where it should be, and point C is now 0.025 studs too high. This is very complicated, and could be solved if Roblox allows us to create parts with size 0. Otherwise it would be impossible to rotate the whole thing, so you can rotate the triangle so that point A increases and point C becomes deeper, but this would affect point B and position it too high. Maybe I should start thinking of an alternative, but what could I start with

Size 0 however, would mean its impossbiel to see and wouldn’t be renderde since its 0 (nothing) i think the minimum size would be 0.01?

But what im trying to say is Roblox would never put size 0 because there is no point of having it in a 3d world.

Based on your replies, it seems like you’re actually trying to create a zero-thickness wedge. It would have saved a lot of time if you mentioned this in your original post.

You can do this by inserting a SpecialMesh into the WedgePart, setting the MeshType to Wedge, and setting the Scale to (0, 1, 1).


Well, I could try that too, it’d be better than nothing. Then all I’d have to do is solve this problem here and the rest would be good:

But I won’t put this problem on my first priority list for now. You don’t know if Roblox will solve it in the future, but if so, that would be best. Well, there you go again:
Better than not. Ok, i will try, thx @sircfenner!

Wow, it really worked, it looks like magic, exactly what I wanted. Thank you!

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