OOP help needed

So I’m kind of new to object oriented programming and I’m trying this library, and I’m trying to make it so that the Ferrari inherits stuff from the NewCar constructor but when I try to print out the price it errors.

function NewCar(name,dealer)
	return {
		name = name or "DefaultCar";
		dealer = dealer or "DefaultDealer";
		GetName = function(self)
			return self.name
		GetDealer = function(self)
			return self.dealer

function NewFerrari(name, dealer,price)
	local ferrari = NewCar(name,dealer)
	price = price or 100
	ferrari.CheckPrice = function(self)
		return self.price

local SportsCar = NewFerrari("Marc's Ferrari", "Marc's Automotive!", 500)
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You forgot to return the ferrari

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Is ferrari an array? 30goddamnchars

I returned price and now it’s outputtin this

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Well, not really I’m using NewCar as a base constructor to make the Ferrari and Im trying to add my own functions to it, that are just for the Ferrari subclass of newcar

But what is ferrari? A basepart? Array? String? Number?

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Ferrari is just a variable, but it turns into a class and I assign it the functions of newCar and Im trying to add more functions to it

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I think your problem is this specific line.

Does it work as intended if you assign the price to ferrari?

ferrari.price = price or 100
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No thats not the line that is erroring

Because you’re not defining ferrari.price which .CheckPrice is trying to return. Therefore the error occurs in the function because it tries to index a nil value.

I just tried that and its still erroring

Have you tried printing self to see if self returns anything? It should return a table.

But yes, you still need to return ferrari in the end of your function.


function NewFerrari(name, dealer,price)
	local ferrari = NewCar(name,dealer)
	ferrari.price = price or 100
	ferrari.CheckPrice = function(self)
		return self.price

	return ferrari

yeah I did return ferrari and thats the error it came up with in the output

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After some testing, I figured what you’re doing wrong. You need to call the function in a different way using : instead of . to get self to work.

Hm I would i implement it like that because I get syntax errors

function NewCar(name,dealer)
	return {
		name = name or "DefaultCar";
		dealer = dealer or "DefaultDealer";
		GetName = function(self)
			return self.name
		GetDealer = function(self)
			return self.dealer

function NewFerrari(name, dealer,price)
	local ferrari = NewCar(name,dealer)
	ferrari.price = price or 100
	ferrari.CheckPrice = function(self)
		return self.price
	return ferrari

local SportsCar = NewFerrari("Marc's Ferrari", "Marc's Automotive!", 500)

This code works perfectly fine for me as long as you didn’t take what I mentioned previously for granted as they also were important notes to get this to work.


Oh its working what did you change exactly because I did the exact same thing

I see you already have your answer solved, but since you’re new to OOP I would recommend reading this for a cleaner way of what you’re doing and for a better understanding of OOP overall

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All I did was changing the way to fire the .CheckPrice function using :, set the price to ferrari.price and return ferrari at the end of the function.

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Dang wow how did I not notice that thanks alot man

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