[OPEN] Builder for Hire

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a builder. I specialize in asset creation and level design. I have been building for 1-2 years on Roblox and have previously worked on titles such as Big Game and Little Game.


I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends. You can contact me any time, but I am unable to work during the week due to school.


Prices are negotiable 200 - 2K Robux, I accept either hourly pay or per asset. I accept Gamepass, but Group Funds Is better :smile:


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or Discord ga_b#7208

Thanks for reading! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


How much would an entire building be?


Hello! I’m interested in hiring you as my builder to revamp my bakery interior for 800-1200 robux. Here is my discord tag: icee#0387

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Alright, sorry late reply, I sent a friend request :ok_hand:

Hello, my prices are 200 to 2K Robux :smiley:

Very cheap for such a cool build! When I get enough robux I’ll hire you.

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Sounds good! I’ll send you a friend request on discord.

Oki, thank you :smiley: contact me on discord, If you are Intrested!

I can’t contact you in discord can you send your new name please

I’d like to hire you, but your Discord isn’t working.

Please reply to this with your discord name and tag

Are you still open/available for commissions? Your discord is not working. Many thanks.

Hi there, would you be able to send me a Friend Request on Discord?

Your stuff looks super cool!


You really attracted me, I would like to hire you for a mall!
Let me know!